Blog Archive

Thursday 31 August 2017

Young man bags 6 month jail term for steeling a Sallah ram

  • An Osogbo Magistrate court in Osun state has sentenced a 30-year-old man, Sulaiman Awokunle, to six months imprisonment for stealing a ram meant for Eid-el-Kabir Sallah celebration.
The accused person was arraigned in court by the Osun State Police Command today, Thursday.
Awokunle was accused of stealing the ram worth N25,000 at about 6a.m at Onunrin’s compound in Iree, Osun state.
The police prosecutor, Elisa Olusegun, told the court that the ram belonged to one Saka Idowu of Onunrin’s compound, Oke-Ogi area, Iree.
Olusegun said the accused person committed an offence contrary to Section 383 and punishable under Section 390(9) of the criminal code, cap 34, Vol. II, Laws of Osun state of Nigeria, 2003.
Awokunle pleaded guilty to the one count-charge of theft leveled against him but however, pleaded for mercy.
His counsel, Najite Okobe pleaded with the court to temper justice with mercy in sentencing his client.
Okobe further informed the court that the accused is first time offender adding that he was preparing to celebrate Sallah with his family.
The Judge, Magistrate Adenike Olowolagba, convicted Awokunle and sentenced him to 6 months imprisonment.
The Magistrate however gave him an option of payment of a sum of N4,000

Wednesday 30 August 2017


You've seen the signs, and your mind is putting the pieces together. Your spouse has been coming home late or keeps long hours under the pretext of work. When your spouse comes home, after a silent dinner, he or she hops online and dismisses your questions with weird excuses... If you're worrying that your honey is up to something funny, and you want to find out, here are some approaches that might just help confirm your suspicions. But before you rush headlong into this process, spend a few days thinking about what you are likely to do if or when your worst suspicions are eventually confirmed. Are you so committed to your partner that you would never bring an end to the relationship, whatever the outcome of your sleuthing? If so, then it may be better to turn a blind eye to their indiscretions and spare yourself the pain of knowing the sordid details. Is believing that your spouse is cheating on you in the first place an indication that there is something fundamentally wrong with your relationship, and you simply want an excuse to end it? In which case, it is on the rocks already, and it may be more productive devoting your energies to rescuing it or just getting out altogether. And if you do decide to investigate, be prepared to deal with what you find, good or bad. Note: Some of the suggestions for "spying" on your spouse may be illegal in your jurisdiction. Know the law before proceeding.
    Method One of Three: Catching Your Spouse on the Phone.
1  Let your fingers do the walking. The phone is a common thread in all our lives, and it's only becoming more so as time goes on. So it is a pretty sure bet that their Affair d'amour is happening over the wires as well as—well, you can imagine.
2  If you have a good old-fashioned land line, phone sleuthing is easy. Take a spare to somewhere in the house where he/she rarely goes, and plug it into the phone jack. Unscrew and remove the mouthpiece (ahead of time) so that your sotto voce epithets will not give your sleuthing away. When you hear him/her shout "I've got it, honey" (cause you just know it's him/her), go to your "war room," and very carefully lift the receiver off the hook. Don't be too gentle: wiggling the buttons will make a clickety sound on the line that will get you busted.
3  Press Record Now. If you're pretty sure your soon-to-be-ex-honey is not going to call up his/her burning biscuit of bliss while you're around, but that he/she may not be able to resist a little sneaky call when he/she thinks you're not looking—or his/her cohort in canoodling may just have to hear his/her lover's voice before he/she goes to bed with "him/her", recording the conversation might work. If you plan ahead, you can tap the airwaves as he/she taps his/her inner Don Juan. If you have a smart phone or a feature phone with a recorder, set the earpiece of the headset next to the microphone, and record the lovey-dovey ramblings for posterity. If the jig is up, and you have what you need, then no need to wait. Confront the louse with his/her toothbrush and an overnight bag, and send him/her out without his/her dessert. If it turns out, however, that the phone was his/her bowling buddy confirming Lane 6 this Thursday, whip up his/her favorite dessert, and serve it up with a smile.
4  Use a baby monitor. This is the cheap, low-tech way of listening in. Of course, if there are no babies in your life at the moment, this can be a bit tricky, but you can get around that. Wait till he/she goes out "shopping" one day, and hit the local gizmo shop. Get a basic baby monitor, a can of spray paint that will blend with where you will put the transmitter, and a roll of matching masking tape (in case the transmitter has blinking LEDs on it). Paint the transmitter (the baby/secret side) with the spray paint. Cover up the microphone hole before you paint so you don't gum up the works, and don't over-paint. You don't want that thing to be stinking up the house. Go to the room where you think she'll be making throaty sounds with her licentious Lothario, and cache the transmitter in a discrete location where she's unlikely to look. Behind some books, or the couch, or if you're really hapless, somewhere in the bedroom or bath. Power it up, and put a portable radio in the room turned down to about human-whisper-and-giggle level. Go into your man cave, and turn on the receiver. Can you hear the radio? If so, you're ready to go. If not, make adjustments until you can hear the transmitter signal clearly. When that phone call comes, and she says "I have to get this... it's work," say, "Okay, honey, I'll be in the man cave surfing the 'Net for..." (You can say almost anything there: after she hears Okay, honey, I'll be..., she'll already have too much adrenaline pumping through her to hear you, anyway.) Go to your room, turn on the monitor, power up your recorder (phone, tape, whatever you've got), and listen to what happens next. Should you hear what you fear, call her a taxi, and send Ruby Roundheels on a one-way ticket to town. Of course, if you hear "Okay, I'll have that report by tomorrow, boss, and I.... wait, what's this... a transmitter?," you might want to take that taxi yourself. You're going to be in hot water.
5  Record digitally with a digital recorder. There is a range of digital records, from pens, or thumb drives, or even phone look-alikes that are voice activated. That means you can just set one wherever you think your spouse may go for his or her phone fun, and when it happens, the electrical spy will spring into action, like a steel trap. Check that trap at your convenience, and good luck!
6  Break all trust and spy on your honey's personal communications. Direct access of your cheating cherie's phone can reveal a lot—especially texts and tweets. Her close friends will be quite frank with advice and what they think. You may find the texts that are sent give you more insight than the ones received. A regular check will give you an idea of how things are progressing. Watch out for the use of false names so that if an incoming message arrives at an awkward moment, the false name gives nothing away. Check email. Another way he'll schedule snogging sessions with that woman is to send send her emails or chat online. What if every email or conversation that your spouse sends online got mailed to you to read? Software called remote spy software records all of his or her emails, chats, instant messages, web sites visited and keystrokes and then automatically copies this recorded information to your email address. Unless your spouse is very careful, you can also pop onto his or her computer (or phone) when he or she is not around, and look at history, recent applications, and other breadcrumbs to follow the trail of the philandering fink. Maybe a little email planning for the next rendezvous with romance, or some online hot chat logs. The lout who is having the affair will quickly try to prevent you seeing emails through the use of passwords and saving the emails under different file names. To gain access initially, you may try using his typical passwords as a starting point. If that doesn't work, a Google search will easily find specialized software that can hack passwords.
     Method Two of Three: Using Other Methods to Spy on Your Spouse
1  Use any tools at your disposal. You can get help from inanimate objects—–they never speak! For instance, there are hidden cameras available in shapes unimaginable! They are so discreet that even you will not be able to make out that a state-of-the-art camera lies within. Hidden spy cameras range from wall clocks to houseplants to table lamps.
2  Install a GPS device. Track where your wayward wife has been lately by using a GPS device. It will show you where she's taken the car, and for how long she stays. Next time she says "I'm working late, honey," you can say "Wow, Motel 9 must love you!"
3  Count the miles. A cheap (free) alternative to GPS tracking is to simply record mileage before and after work. Does this square with the distance your spouse is traveling between work and home? Differences on the odometer can lead to targeted questions which can help you find out what is or is not happening.
4  Pay particular attention to your spouse's friends. Who is being seen the most? Who is contacted the most? Are they your friends as well? When you meet them, keep a real alert on for bad feelings when talking to them. Don't ask direct questions of them. You don't want to ask them to choose who to support. What people don't say is at least as useful as what people do say.
5  Study history. If the call history is blocked, then access the details online via telephone accounts. You will need to use a password to access this. However the chances are the password being used was set up long before the affair started so you probably know it or can second guess it. Look for frequency of use and call time. Are both of these factors increasing, steady or increasing? Knowing this will give you insight on how things are progressing.
6  Watch for changes in behavior. Changes in interests in clothes, appearance, weight loss or gain, coldness, distancing, hostility; refusal to talk about future projects, disengagement from you, disinterest in sex and more noticeably simply everyday affections. Monitor those changes are they increasing or decreasing? It's the changes that give away clues.<br>7 Look for secrets. Keep an eye out for a hidden phone your spouse may use to avoid detection. Also, check the trash on his or her computer&#8212;&#8211;often people throw things in the trash, and then don't empty it.
     Method Three of Three: Setting Up Your Spouse
1  Catch him in the act! If you really believe your spouse is cheating on you, yet after monitoring phone calls, emails, and travel details, all you have is a gut feeling, than you need to make an essential decision about how far you are willing to go in pursuit of knowing if your spouse is faithful. Honestly ask yourself why you don't trust your spouse. Do you have any reason, real or imagined, to believe your spouse is, or has been, unfaithful? It doesn't have to stand up to legal standards of proof, but do you have anything to go on beyond your feeling or hunch? It is not uncommon for a partner to self-convince that there is a case of spousal infidelity based merely on circumstances that have been molded into the evidence needed to justify one's own feelings, beliefs, and insecurities. Just because he seems less interested in you doesn't mean he's cheating. Working late or going out with friends might mean only that. It's also not uncommon for couples who have been together for a while to forget why they fell in love because everyday life is a grind and people get comfortable with time, taking one another for granted. Moreover, sometimes work addiction takes over, and your spouse really has become "wed to the job or start-up" and rarely thinks of spending time with you.
2  Make some assumptions. If you think you have real cause to suspect your spouse, then start with the assumption that she is going to take some kind of precautions to remain undiscovered when cheating. She's not going to send emails from the home computer, or call from the home phone. She's not going to claim to be working late and leave for a hotel rendezvous risking your calls going unanswered or being seen leaving work too early She will use normal routines and patterns that you are well used to and simply use that time to have the affair. A sexual affair doesn't require much time or commitment. The two of them meet in the parking lot, hop into one car, head for "their room" at the Motel 9 for a half hour, and are back in time for shopping. She even comes home with purchases consistent with where they were supposed to be. So if you're truly committed to finding the truth, do this:
3  Set things up for the set-up. Get a good camera with a zoom lens and put a GPS tracker on your spouse (clothing/bag, etc.) or vehicle. Hide a voice activated recorder behind your bed. Then, plan a trip out of town for two to four days, and share that information with your spouse. Do your homework and make it look like you're leaving town by sharing details of your trip, while you secretly plan a stay at a hotel just out of town. (If your spouse expects details of your trip, book them, get confirmations to share with your spouse, but cancel at the last hour and stay close to home.)
4  Leave. Make an effort to call your spouse from the airport and when you arrive at your destination. Do this from your cell phone and you can claim to be anywhere. Apologize that you will be working late and might not be able to call that night.
5  Monitor your spouse's GPS activity and if your spouse leaves home for an extended time, go to that location and watch from afar. Follow your spouse (a rental is a good idea), but if you are prone to road rage or other rash acts, think twice about this one. If your spouse simply goes home, park down the street and watch.
<br>6 Repeat as needed. Use the camera if appropriate. Check the recorders just in case you missed something. If you need more time, call the morning you were scheduled to be home and apologize that you have to stay one more night.
7  If you discover something, you can return with the evidence. If not, don't overdo the stay away. Either way, don't let this charade drag on&#8211;&#8211;you'll need to confront your spouse with your evidence or own up to your suspicions in order for the relationship to change, mend or dissolve as needs be. After the Discovery
1  Deal with the aftermath of finding out either way. It isn't pleasant to discover that a spouse has been cheating on you. In fact, it's likely to be devastating as the foundation on which you've based your personal life is totally rocked. Moreover, you may carry feelings of self-loathing for the manner in which you had to sneak about to find out the truth. All in all, the discovery process is harrowing and can leave you feeling raw.
2  If you do get positive, concrete proof that your spouse is cheating, you now have cause to be miserable and unhappy. The fact is that it is better known than not. In time, you'll learn that while this is a traumatic experience, there is a person who deserves you and that it's most definitely not this person. Seek the support of friends, family and perhaps your doctor or a counselor to help you work through what is now a difficult period. Deciding whether or not to leave your spouse is a minefield that only you can decide to navigate, with good support networks to keep you strong. You might find it helpful to start by reading How to mend a marriage after an affair.
 If you don't find proof of your spouse's infidelity, you now have little reason to believe your spouse is cheating. Or, if you still think your spouse is super careful and sneaky, you have at least discovered how easy it is to set up the conditions to catch your cheating spouse in the not too distant future. However, be absolutely sure that your continuing suspicions are valid; by this stage, you're likely to be ripping apart any trust that once existed in the relationship.  Sources @wikiHow

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Wike; Nigerians will not vote APC again

Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike has stated that Nigerians will vote out APC in the next general elections.
According to him, ‎Nigerians were already tired of the APC because of its woeful performance.
Wike made this comment on Monday when he granted audience to the Implementation Support Team on the World Bank-Assisted State Employment and Expenditure for Results (SEEFOR) yesterday.
Wike said no political miracle will allow the APC govern the country again.
He said Nigerians had already made the mistake, but emphasized that the country cannot afford to make the costly mistake again in the future.
He said, “Now that Nigerians are unhappy with them, they will go. Nothing will save them from going. Nigerians are not happy. There is no miracle again that can be performed.
“Next year is a political year, so nothing again will happen. They have failed; nobody should try to come and say we should give them another opportunity. This ‘one chance’ we have entered, we don’t want to enter it again. Nobody will make this mistake twice.”
Wike praised the World Bank for the creation of 5,500 jobs in the state and the commencement of the process for the creation of additional 5,000 jobs for the youths.Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike has stated that Nigerians will vote out APC in the next general elections.
According to him, ‎Nigerians were already tired of the APC because of its woeful performance.
Wike made this comment on Monday when he granted audience to the Implementation Support Team on the World Bank-Assisted State Employment and Expenditure for Results (SEEFOR) yesterday.
Wike said no political miracle will allow the APC govern the country again.
He said Nigerians had already made the mistake, but emphasized that the country cannot afford to make the costly mistake again in the future.
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He said, “Now that Nigerians are unhappy with them, they will go. Nothing will save them from going. Nigerians are not happy. There is no miracle again that can be performed.
“Next year is a political year, so nothing again will happen. They have failed; nobody should try to come and say we should give them another opportunity. This ‘one chance’ we have entered, we don’t want to enter it again. Nobody will make this mistake twice.”
Wike praised the World Bank for the creation of 5,500 jobs in the state and the commencement of the process for the creation of additional 5,000 jobs for the youths.

APC; Wike is the worst governor of Rivers state.

The Rivers State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC, has declared Rivers state Nyesom Wike as the worst Governor in the history of the State.
This is just as it dismissed his excuse for poor performance as untenable.
Governor Wike had recently blamed the current economic recession in the country for his administration’s failure to live up to expectation and the INEC and Police for the misfortunes of PDP in the elections of the state.
Meanwhile, the APC in a statement signed by its State Chairman, Chief Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, said Wike was the main cause of the misfortune of the PDP in Rivers state.
Ikanya in the statement said Governor Wike does not understand the dynamics of development.
The statement reads, “Wike blaming the Police and INEC for PDP’s current misfortune in Rivers State and loss of most of her National and State Assembly members in the Appeal Court as not only unfortunate but a calculated attempt to excuse himself as the main culprit for PDP’s misfortune in the State. The Party also described Wike’s excuse for his failure to develop the State as unfortunate, sad and unacceptable because many other states have been recording great achievements despite also experiencing economic recession.
“A few examples would suffice: Governor Atiku Baguda of Kebbi has achieved stable power supply in 16 LGAs and also established the Rice Pyramid (Lake Rice) in partnership with Lagos. Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos s set to launch 5,000 new buses in Lagos, in addition to numerous other feats.
“On his part, Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River can boast of setting up the biggest Garment Factory in Africa, the Rice City Project and Calabar Monorail, while Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom has set up the First Pencil Factory in Nigeria, Led Factory and Automobile Assembly Plant.
“Instead of emulating these great leaders, our noisy and unprepared Governor Wike is celebrating the construction of Motor Park, Pleasure Park, Market, and Ecumenical Center. These were some of the projects which he wanted a whole Acting President Yemi Osinbajo to commission for him.”
“The whole world can now better understand why Wike has turned the Garden City into the Garbage City. We can now understand why Wike has turned our once peaceful State to Rivers of Blood where killing and beheading of innocent people is now the order of the day.
“We can now understand why Wike decided to use our funds to fund his dying party, PDP, instead of paying the salaries of our civil servants and pensioners. We can now understand why Wike has decided to destroy our educational system that Amaechi put on a sound footing. Wike has stopped the scholarship scheme initiated by Amaechi to ensure that no Rivers child is left uneducated.
“He has stopped the use of over 350 model schools constructed by Amaechi’s Administration so that he can embark upon the construction of his 175 non-existent schools to enable him siphon public funds.
“Because Wike has nothing to offer, he has destroyed the Banana Plantation, The Buguma Fish Industry, the Songhai Agriculture revolution and other industries set up by Amaechi to generate funds for the State and provide employment for our teeming undergraduates.
“Wike has only succeeded to turn himself into Mr. Disaster, which he has deservedly earned as the worst Governor in the annals of Rivers State. His stand contradicts the position of Dr. Dakuku Peterside, the APC candidate for the 2015 governorship election, who has a well-documented blueprint which he tagged ‘Road To Prosperity’. This roadmap by this visionary would have made Rivers State one of the most developed states in Nigeria by now.

  1. “Wike is a man bereft of ideas and we hold former President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, and others who imposed this incompetent man on our once flourishing State responsible for the shocking reversal of development in our beloved State.”

Monday 28 August 2017

Cultism: 3 things to consider as you join cult group

There are two key elements necessary for a cult. Viz:
1 Each individual commits to some mission or higher purpose not chosen through personal, conscious, reflection. 
2 There are serious consequences attached to leaving. 
These two reasons commitment to mission and consequencesee of leaving are sufficient to harness people's lives and labours in a cult. 
A cult is a kind of power virus. The whole point of the thing is to give power in the form of access to money, sex, and or people energy to the cult leader 
The word cult is usually reserved to organisations considered evil or harmful to the society, but the workings of power are identical whether the purpose of the organisation is moral, immoral, or amoral. 
Cult typically have a mission that they say they're  working towards, to them a holy mission. Members are conditioned to believe this mission is the most important use of their lives, and they should be willing to sacrifice everything for the higher purpose. Once that meme get programme in they're effectively enslaved. 
If you are currently dedicating your life to a mission or higher purpose, I suggest you reconsider your dedication based on three test 
1 If you were asked,  What is the most important use of your life? Would your answer be that mission?
2 Does evidence shows that your participation with that group is the best way to fulfill that mission?
3 Do you have a personal sense of fulfillment from your day-to-day participation with that group? 
If your answer is no to any of that question what the heck are you doing there?  If you find the questions difficult to answer then you're in great shape. If it was easy to answer yes to all the questions you've been programme, and you should at least take a break from what you are doing and go smell a fresh air for a while.

Rapists on the rampage in Borno IDPs camp-victims

Babakura Mustapha, a 67-year-old blind displaced person, has moved his family out of the Dalori Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs, camp in Maiduguri due to the alleged activities of rapists.
The News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reports that about two million persons displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency are taking shelter in various camps in Maiduguri and other liberated communities in the North-East.
NAN reports that six of the 11 designated camps in Maiduguri are managed by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), while five others are under the Wold Food Programme (WFP).
Mr. Mustapha told NAN on Sunday in Maiduguri that he had evacuated his six daughters from the camp to save them from rapists.
The retired civil servant alleged that unknown men attacked and vandalised the tent housing his daughters after they refused to submit to their sexual advances.
He also alleged that unidentified men in the camp enticed women with N100 or N200 as token for sex, adding that they also forced themselves on those who refused to cooperate.
“I came into the Dalori camp from Bama in the past three years after the Boko Haram insurgents sacked the town.
“The insurgents abducted my wife; I have six daughters, three of them are widows because the insurgents killed their husbands, while the remaining three are spinsters.
“Every night you hear the cry of women when they are being attacked by rapists. One of my daughters was also attacked by rapists and as a result she sustained fatal injuries.
“Since then, I have always kept vigil at night, to guard against intrusion by suspected rapists into the girls’ tent.
“My health condition worsened in the camp and my vision impaired after I had glaucoma infection,” he said.
Mr. Mustapha added that in view of his predicament, he could not protect his daughters from mounting pressures of the rapists who devised various means to seduce women.
He lamented that many women suffered in the hands of the rapists in various camps in the state.

“I would rather move out of the camp than to allow my daughters become sex toys to randy elements,” he said.
Mr. Mustapha said that he had met a kind-hearted person in Maiduguri who offered him a room to stay with his family.
Also, Fatima Bana, a rape victim, corroborated Mr. Mustapha’s experience, and also alleged that many women had been raped in the camps in Maiduguri.
Ms. Bana said the rapists forcefully had canal knowledge of women who refused to take money or cooperate with them.
She noted that most women had experienced one form of sexual abuse or assault in the camps.
“One night, I went out to fetch water and some men pursued me. I started running and I fell down and broke my shoulder.
“Some kind-hearted persons came to my rescue; this made the rapist to run away,” Ms. Bana said.
Muhammad Kanar, the NEMA Zonal Coordinator, North-East, said the agency had adopted proactive measures to check sexual abuse and violation of rights of the IDPs.
Mr. Kanar said that the agency was working with the Borno State Ministry of Women Affairs and Federation of Women Lawyers, (FIDA) to protect and guarantee the rights of the IDPs.
“We have no reports of the incidents. Nonetheless, the agency will investigate the matter and the culprits will be prosecuted,” he assured.
The zonal coordinator added that the agency had deployed aid workers and security personnel to ensure protection of IDPs in camps within the region.
He urged the IDPs to report cases of violation of their rights to NEMA officials posted to the camps.

Boko Haram: Top Boko Haram commander who led the abduction of Chibok girls have repent

- A top Boko Haram commander who co-led the abduction of the Chibok girls is giving useful information to the army on locations and hideouts of other top commanders of the sect - Auwal Ismaeela says he regrets his actions of violence against his own people - The ex-terrorist states that he voluntarily surrendered to Nigerian troops after realising that the activities of Boko Haram was contrary to the teachings of Islam A top Boko Haram commander who co-led the operation that resulted in the abduction of about 276 girls in the town of Chibok on April 14, 2014, has surrendered to the Nigerian army.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Business: 3 ways to grow your audience without paying for advertising

Allow me to re-write a pretty famous saying: growth is good.
Growth is essential for businesses to stay alive. There’s no need for greed to enter the picture, but growth- growth is what you should be all about.
The more people you can reach, the more potential clients your work gets in front of. There are a few simple ways that you can grow your audience (without buying followers) and increase your client list.


Partnerships are a wonderful way to quickly grow your audience. And I do mean partnerships- not sponsorships, not paid campaigns.
Find people that are in niche’s adjacent to yours whose work you admire. Find businesses that get you excited about their product. Look around your current community and ask yourself who love are a personal fan of and why. Those are the people you should partner with.
There’s nothing wrong with a partnership that makes you money, but the word partnership means at its core that it should benefit both parties. Working with people that you admire gives you a chance to show your value to new people, as well as offer value to the other party. It’s also a very genuine way to grow your audience. Disingenuous growth is easy to spot a mile away.

Speaking Opportunities

What better way to share your message with people than to actually share your message? Scout out speaking opportunities to get yourself in front of new people. Great places to start are your cities commerce department, small business communities, applying to speak at conferences, and Facebook groups in your niche.
You can also put on your social media or website that you are available for speaking gigs. See if anyone contacts you. There’s a lot of power in opening yourself up to speaking gigs, and it’s an easy way to get your work in front of a new audience.

Think Local

It’s wonderful to have big picture goals for yourself and dreams of taking over the world. We’ve all got to start somewhere though, and it’s easier to become a big fish in a small pond first. Take every opportunity that comes your way to make an impact in your local community.
Become the go-to person in your city for your niche. Reach out to people and companies of all sizes in your city and ask for coffee to introduce yourself. Attend events that focus on the local community- things like volunteer days, council meetings, and traditional networking and business events are all good.
Being seen and interacting at these events will show that you are a person of note, and people like to know people of note.
Growth does take time, but with these strategies, you can make it happen for yourself. Implement them all at the same time for the best results (though you might cut into your sleep a little bit.)
What are some ways that you have found successful for growing your company?

Saturday 26 August 2017

Leadership: 7 ways to encourage people to reach the next level

Leadership is about relationships and environments that provoke others to reach for the next level. Moderate discomfort is central to the process.

                 7   ways to allow discomfort:

1.   Believe people will rise to challenges. Helping less is an expression of            confidence.“I believe in you.”
2.  Trust that working through moderate difficulty elevates fulfillment. Work    that isn’t challenging isn’t fun or fulfilling.
3.  Delay helping. Don’t rush to rescue. Ask questions.
 “What have you tried?”
 “What are you learning?”
 “What might you try?”
 Too much help encourages helplessness.
4.  Be available. Helping less isn’t detachment. It’s respect. Participate in conversations about purpose, improvement, process, goals, and achievements.
5.  Challenge directly while providing encouragement. People respect you when you believe in their abilities.
6.  Monitor frustration.
7.  Offer support, like a spotter with a a weightlifter.
 Warning: Too much discomfort is destructive. Think of adding too much weight to the bar.

Obasanjo has distanced himself from restructuring

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has distanced himself from the clamour for the restructuring of Nigeria by some section of Nigerians. Obasanjo, who faulted the call, said what Nigeria needs now is not restructuring of the country but that of individual mentality. He made his stance known on the sidelines of the African Leadership Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa. The former President said Nigerians should restructure their minds before calling for restructuring of the country. Obasanjo said Nigerians’ focus should be on how to include everyone in a nation that is already well endowed. He said, “We have to restructure our mentality, we have to restructure our minds we have to restructure our understanding of Nigeria, what country do we want and if we decide on what country we want, how do we get that country, all hands on deck. “How do we get inclusive, how do we get every Nigerian feeling a sense of having a stake in the country.”

Friday 25 August 2017

Dangers of smoking shisha

Smoking shisha has become a trend among the youth today. Many young adults gather in shisha cafes and share the pipe between friends. They see smoking shisha as a pleasant and relaxing experience. Approximately 44% of them believe shisha is not as harmful as cigarettes. However research has shown that smoking shisha is worse than smoking regular cigarettes. Why do young people think smoking shisha is safer? Many people wrongly believe that bubbling tobacco smoke through water makes it safe. This misconception originated in the 15th century when a physician called Hakim Abu Faith wanted to make smoking shisha safer. He believed that if the tobacco smoke passed through a filter it would be safer, so he devised a small receptacle of water that smoke could pass through. However, modern research states that filtering tobacco smoke through cold water does not make it safer. Disadvantages of Shisha Shisha smokers inhale more smoke than cigarette smokers because an average shisha session lasts longer. One session can last up to an hour,causing smokers to large amount of tobacco smoke as well as the second-hand smoke. The World Health Organization reported that the smoke inhaled in a typical one-hour hookah session can equal 100 cigarettes or more. Shisha contains: 36 times more carcinogenic tar than cigarette smoke 15 times more carbon monoxide higher levels of lead, nickel and arsenic hydrogen cyanide and a whole bunch of potent carcinogens nicotine, a chemical that causes an addictive effect If the shisha pipe is not properly cleaned, sharing it with others can increase the risk of contracting diseases, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis and other infectious diseases.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Darikar Tijjaniya Na Ziyarar Wayar da Kawunan Jama'a kan Gujewa Ta'addanci

Saboda yadda wasu ke fakewa da addini suna kafa kungiyoyin ta'addanci ya sa shugabannin darikar Tijjani soma kai ziyara jihohin Najeriya inda yanzu suna jihar Neja domin jawo hankalin mutane su gujewa shiga ta'addanci da sunan addini. Shugabannin kungiyar darikar Tijjaniya sun isa jihar Neja a cigaba da rangadin fadakar da al'umma illar shiga kungiyoyin ta'addanci da sunan addinin Musulunci. Kungiyar tace ziyarar fadakar da jama'a na cikin ayyukan da ta sanya a gaba a daidai wannan lokacin da ake matukar bukatar hadin kan al'umma a matakai daban daban a kasar. Shaikh Sayyadi Kasimu babban sakataren kungiyar a Najeriya ya yi karin haske akan dalilin ziyararsu zuwa jihar Neja. Yana mai cewa sun isa jihar ne a karkashin jagorancin Sarkin Kano Muhammad Sanusi II da kuma sunan shugaban darikar na kasa Shaikh Tijjani Ibrahim. Manufar ziyarar ita ce kara dankon zumunci tsakaninsu da 'yanuwansu dake jihar, musamman 'yan darikar Tijjaniya da sauran Musulmai da ma jama'a gaba daya domin samun masalaha. Inji Shaikh Kasumu suna fadawa 'yanuwa su kara hada kai saboda kasar na bukatar hadin kai wajen yaki da ta'addanci. Sun ba da shawarwari saboda ta'addanci ba addinin musulunci ba ne.

My husband does not show me love – Woman tells court

A housewife, Asmau Abdullahi, has pleaded with a Minna Sharia Court to dissolve her marriage over constant beating, raining insults, and abuses by her husband. Asmau told the court that her husband, Ibrahim Abdullahi, was in the habit of assaulting her for no just cause. “My husband insults me a lot and calls me names like `mad woman’, `foolish woman’ and things like that. “He is always beating me and forcing me to fetch water from the well at odd hours of the night.
“He does not show me, love, at all, and that is why I want an end to this marriage,” she added. Ibrahim, however, denied his wife’s allegations, saying that he had always been a good husband. He maintained that he still loved his wife and wouldn’t want them to go their separate ways. The judge, Malam Ahmed Bima, advised the couple to give peace a chance and settle their differences, as marriage required a lot of patience and understanding. He adjourned the case until Sept. 11, to give room for both parties to settle their differences.

Peterside offers #500,000 reward for arrest of wanted child killer

A concerned prominent son of Rivers State, Dr Dakuku Peterside, has offered a reward of N500,000 for anybody that has useful information that can lead to the arrest of a wanted murder suspect, Ifeanyi Dike. Ifeanyi Dike, a 200-level student of the University of Port Harcourt, was last weekend arrested by the police in connection with the gruesome murder of an eight-year old Miss Victory Chikamnso. The suspect is also accused of raping the minor and cutting some vital parts of her body for alleged ritual purpose. However, Dike was said to have escaped from police custody in suspicious circumstances, prompting a manhunt by security agencies. On hearing the sad development, a visibly disturbed and saddened Dakuku Peterside condemned the escape of the suspect from police custody, saying Dike being on the loose was a threat to Rivers people and neighbouring states.
According to him, “we must all rise and condemn this heinous crime. What could an eight-year-old girl have done to deserve this wicked act? What kind of future are we trying to give our children? Are we trying to say that our girls are no longer safe? Are we saying that our girls do not have future? “Without women, we have no future. The onslaught on girls and women is becoming increasingly disturbing. We must protect our young girls and women. This could have happened to any family. This is deeply saddening. “Please, I do not want my action to be seen through a political prism. The dastardly act should be a concern for all of us as Rivers people. Let us join hands with the police and ensure the re-arrest of Ifeanyi Dike.” Peterside, who is also the Director General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) called on the Commissioner of Police in Rivers state and other sister security agencies to leave no stone unturned in the arrest of the suspect as quickly as possible, while commiserating with the family of the late Miss Victory Chikamnso.

Residents of Eliozu community, Rivers state, stage protest after suspected ritualist escape from police custody

- A resident of the community Mr. Promise Wobo, stated that it was unfortunate and embarrassing for Ifeanyi Dike to have escaped from police custody - Another resident Mrs. Alaerebo Jack, called on the Rivers state Governor Nyesom Wike, to act within his powers to ensure that the police are made to re-arrest Dike to face prosecution - The father of the victim Dr. Earnest Mezuwuba, urged the Police to ensure that the suspect was re-arrested to face the law Some residents of Eliozu area of Port Harcourt on Wednesday August 23, protested against the unfortunate escape of Mr. Ifeanyi Dike, a suspected ritual killer from police custody, NAN reports. The Rivers Police Command had paraded Dike for raping and killing Miss Victory Chikamso, an eight-year-old girl residing in the same compound with him. Read more:

Boko Haram Have Used 83 Child Suicide Bombers In 2017, UNICEF Says

Haram militants in northeast Nigeria have sent out 83 child bombers against Nigerian targets this year, according to a tally by United Nations Children’s Fund. This is four times as many child suicide bombers used in all of 2016, UNICEF said. The UN agency said out of the 83 children deployed by the atrocious insurgents, 55 were girls, mostly under 15 years old and 27 were boys. One was a baby strapped to a girl. Nineteen children were used last year, UNICEF said. The Boko Haram insurgency, now in its eighth year, has claimed over 20,000 lives and forced more than two million people to flee their homes over eight years. The frequency of suicide bomb attacks in northeastern Nigeria has increased in the past few weeks, killing at least 170 people since June 1, according to a Reuters tally. UNICEF, in a statement released on Tuesday, said it was “extremely concerned about an appalling increase in the cruel and calculated use of children, especially girls, as ‘human bombs’ in northeast Nigeria. The use of children in this way is an atrocity”. Boko Haram is trying to create an Islamic state in the Lake Chad region, which spans parts of Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad. It gained notoriety by abducting more than 200 girls from the northeast Nigerian town of Chibok in April 2014. Aid groups say it has kidnapped thousands more adults and children. Children who escape are often held by authorities or ostracized by their communities and families. Nigerian aid worker Rebecca Dali, who runs an agency that offers counseling for those who were abducted, said children as young as four were among the 209 escapees her organization had helped since 2015. “They (former abductees) are highly traumatized,” Dali told Reuters on Monday at the United Nations in Geneva, where she received an award from the Sergio Vieira de Mello Foundation for her humanitarian work. Her team, which includes former police officers, identified some returnees as having been trained as suicide bombers. “There were two girls taught by Boko Haram to be suicide bombers … The girls confirmed that they were taught that their life was not worth living, that if they die detonating the bomb and killing a lot of people, then their lives will be profitable,” Dali said. Some 450,000 children are also at risk of life-threatening malnutrition in 2017 by the end of the year in northeast Nigeria, UNICEF said. President Muhammadu Buhari said on Monday the country would “reinforce and reinvigorate” its fight against the group following the latest wave of attacks. *UNICEF Press statement Abuja, Geneva, 22 August 2017 – UNICEF is extremely concerned about an appalling increase in the cruel and calculated use of children, especially girls, as ‘human bombs’ in northeast Nigeria. Children have been used repeatedly in this way over the last few years and so far this year, the number of children used is already four times higher than it was for all of last year. Since 1 January 2017, 83 children have been used as ‘human bombs’; 55 were girls, most often under 15 years old; 27 were boys, and one was a baby strapped to a girl. The sex of the baby used in the explosion was impossible to determine. The use of children in this way is an atrocity.Children used as ‘human bombs’ are, above all, victims, not perpetrators.The armed group commonly known as Boko Haram has sometimes, but not always, claimed responsibility for these attacks, which target the civilian population. The use of children in such attacks has had a further impact of creating suspicion and fear of children who have been released, rescued or escaped from Boko Haram. As a result, many children who have managed to get away from captivity face rejection when they try to reintegrate into their communities, compounding their suffering. All of this is taking place in the context of a massive displacement and malnutrition crisis – a combination that is also deadly for children. There are 1.7 million people displaced by the insurgency in the northeast, 85 per cent of them in Borno State, where most of these attacks take place. Northeast Nigeria is one of four countries and regions facing the spectre of famine, with up to 450,000 children at risk of severe acute malnutrition this year. UNICEF is providing psychosocial support for children who have been held by Boko Haram and is also working with families and communities to foster the acceptance of children when they return. This includes providing social and economic reintegration support to the children and their families. UNICEF also supports reconciliation activities in northeast Nigeria, led by respected community and religious leaders, including influential women, to help promote tolerance, acceptance and reintegration.

Ojukuwu’s son blasts IPOB, MASSOB and others agitating for Biafra

- The son of late Chukwuemeka Ojukwu, Emeka, has declared that his father actually met with President Muhammadu Buhari on Nigeria’s unity before he died - Buhari had on Monday 21 said in his broadcast that he and Ojukwu met in Daura, Kastina state and discussed on why Nigeria should remain united before Ojukwu died - The IPOB and MASSOB had described Buhari’s comment on Ojukwu as false and untrue The son of late Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, Emeka Ojukwu Jnr. has disowned Biafra agitators, vindicating President Muhammadu Buhari on his celebrated discussions with his late father on the unity and indivisibility of the Nigerian nation. Read more:

Tuesday 22 August 2017


To 'yan'uwa hakan ya halatta, ba matsala a sharian ce, saboda an rawaito halaccin haka, daga magabata, daga cikinsu akwai Imamu Malik, saidai ya wajaba a tabbatar an tsaftace wurin musamman farjin mata, saboda a bude yake, sannan kuma wuri ne da ake yin haila, ake kuma zuba maniyyi, ga shi kuma yana kusa da wajan yin bahaya, wasu masana likitanci suna bada shawarar cewa : a dinga wanke wurin da gishiri kafin a tsotsa, saboda neman kariya. Allah madaukakin sarki a cikin suratul Bakara aya ta: 223, ya kwatanta mace ga mijinta da gona, wannan sai ya nuna dukkan bangarorin jikinta ya halatta a ji dadi da su, in ban da cikin dubura wacce nassi ya togace. ‎ ​Allah ne mafi sani.​ Duba : Mawahibul-jalil sharhin Muktasarul Khalil 3\406 ‎

Abinda ‘Yan Najeriya Ke So Buhari Ya Fara Tunkara

Jama'a daga ciki da wajen Najeriya na ci gaba da bayyana ra'ayoyinsu tun bayan da shugaban Najeriya Muhammadu Buhari ya dawo daga jinya ya kuma koma aiki, inda suke bayyana abinda suka fi so shugaban ya fi mayar da hankali a kai.
Bayan da shugaban Najeriya Muhammadu Buhari ya gabatar da jawabinsa ga ‘yan kasar mutane da dama suke ta bayyana ra'ayinsu kan abinda ya kamata ya fuskanta. A irin muhawarorin da ake ta yi, wasu sun bayyana ra’ayinsu kan abubuwan da shugaban ya kamata ya fuskanta da suka hada da tunkarar matsalar tsaro da kuma yajin aikin da malaman jami’a ke yi. ‘Yan Najeriya da dama na da ra’ayin cewa tun bayan tafiyar Buhari jinya, harkar tsaro ta tabarbare musamman game da batun Boko Haram da kuma yawaitar satar mutane domin neman kudin fansa. Ba ma ‘yan Najeriya kadai ba, a kasashe makwabta irinsu Jamhuriyar Nijar, jama’a da dama sun yi kira ga shugaban da ya tunkari matsalar tsaro musamman ta Boko Haram, lura da cewa wannan matsala ta shafi kasarsu. Shugaba Buhari ya dawo Najeriya ne a ranar Asabar bayan da ya kwashe sama da watannin uku yana jinya a London kan cutar da har yanzu ba a bayyana ba. Tun a farkon watan Mayu, Buhari ya tafi London, lamarin da ya sa wasu masu fafituka suka yi ta korafin cewa ya kamata ya dawo ko kuma ya sauka a mulki.

Charley Boy write an open letter to Buhari. List three things he must address reports that the President of all Frustrated Nigerians, CharlyBoy writes an open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari over his return and lists three important things the president must address without further delay. Dear Mr. President Sir: When I learned that you would be returning yesterday, I was glad because it means you eventually listened to our cries and yearnings. You have returned at a time when our country needs you most to surmount the crucibles battering us as a people and a nation. Though for a very steep price, we never allowed our voices to go unheard and we are glad you ultimately listened to us. You have returned at a time when our great country is battling a slew of disastrous storms.
This is a difficult time in our national history where insightful and sagacious leadership is greatly required. Now that you are back stronger, I would like you to become the rescuer that our country terribly needs at this trying time. As you may know, millions of students are currently at home doing nothing because their schooling was suddenly disrupted by the decision of their disgruntled lecturers to go on an indefinite strike. Some of these students are 3 months away from becoming graduates. This is the time to rekindle their hope before they become a nonentity to themselves and nuisance to the society. You must expediently attend to our ever-debilitating education sector, massively increase the budget for education and treat not only the ministers and permanent secretaries but also the lecturers and school heads alright. If the lecturers are well-paid and paid as at when due, they will gleefully impart knowledge onto our children who will become the leaders of this great nation tomorrow. Ensuing from my research, no Nigerian university is currently among the top 20 universities in Africa. This is a shame for a country touted as the Giant of Africa. We must raise the standard of our education sector tremendously. A country with a vibrant education is a country with a bright future. By investing massively in education, we indubitably bolster productivity in our economy and also transformational innovations that would avail our country of real greatness. Further to this Mr. President, one of the most pernicious threats beleaguering us today is insecurity of lives and properties. We are constantly being battered and forced to the grim reaper by different monsters in different quarters of the nation. In the north, the Boko Haram sect, Fulani herdsmen, the October 1st ultimatum and the IPOB agitation still depredating lives and properties. The people in other parts of the country are not safe either. Kidnappers are increasing by the day and hoodlums are flooding the streets every other day. This is the time to deliver on the mandate the Nigerian people gave to you. I believe that you will take every necessary step to quickly bring an end to these national threats just as you work assiduously towards exterminating the perennial economic hardship besetting the country. I wish you long life and sound health Mr. President. Once again, you are welcome!

There is nothing like middle belts. Northern elders

Ambassador Yahaya Kwande argued that the north does not have anything like the middle belt - Kwande, a member of the Northern Elders Forum, said the association would meet to consider restructuring - He argued that the appointment of Paul Unongo as the chairman of the NEF confirms the unity in the north Those claiming to be from middle belt part of Nigeria must just forget the idea as Yahaya Kwande, the country’s former ambassador to Switzerland, has declared that the north is not broken into parts. Read more:


RIKICI YA BARKE TSAKANIN SHUGABANIN PDP DA BOKAYEN DA SUKA GAYYATO DAGA KASAR INDIYA. Rahotanin daga ofishin jam'iyar PDP da ke Abuja, na nuni da cewa ana can ana dauki ba dadi tsakanin shugabanin PDP da Allolin su. Watau mashahuran bokayen nan da suka gayyato daga kasar Indiya domin halaka shugaba Buhari. Takardamar ta samo asali ne tun satin da ya gabata lokacin da wasu gwamnoni suka kai wa shugaba Buhari ziyara a London, inda ta bayyana cewa Buhari ya sami lafiya sabanin alkawalin da bokayen sukayi na cewa da gawar Buhari za' a dawo a Najeriya. Ganin Buhari ya sami lafiya sai daya daga cikin shugabanin PDP tsohon gwamnar wata jaha dake mukwabtaka da Jahar Kebbi da Zamfara ya kira taron gaggawa, inda suka gayyaci shugaban matsafan mai suna Mugulor Prasad da wakilin sa a Najeriya Guru Muhraj, inda shugabanin PDP suka nuna bacin ransu akan kasa halaka Buhari, suka kuma zargi Guru Mahraj da cin amana saboda ya fito kafafen yada labarai yanayi wa Buhari tayin cewa zai iya warkar da shi bayan PDP ta bashi Naira Miliyan 170 (N170 m) domin sihirce Buhari. A wancan taron gaggawan ne Boka Mugulor Prasad na kasar Indiya ya nemi da akara masa kudi dola miliyan 40 ($40m) bayan dola miliyan 60($60m) da aka bashi kafin ya yarda yazo Najeriya kuma kai tsaye aka bashi wadannan kudaden. Lamarin ya cabe ne a ranar Asabar 19/8/2017 bayan Shugaba Buhari ya dawo lafiya a raye, sai shugabanin PDP suka nemi boka Mugulor da Guru Mahraj da su mayar masu da kudaden su tunda sun kasa halaka Buhari. Bukatar da bokayen sukayi watsi da ita suka kuma kalubalanci shugabanin PDP da cewa sukai karan su a kotu idan suna bukartar kudaden su. A ranar Lahadi 20/8/2017 boka Mugulor da tawagar sa suka fice daga Najeriya inda suka bi jirgin Ethiopian Air Line domin komawa kasar su ta INDIYA yayin da shi kuma Guru Mahraj ya fice zuwa matsafarsa da ke dajin garin Ibadan. Yanzu PDP ta zama babu tsuntsu babu tarko; basu ga Allah basu ga Annabi, babu kudi babu mulki. Duk sihirin da suka shekaro sunayi wa Buhari Allah ya juya shi zuwa Vitamin 'A' a jikin Buhari la'akari da kwarin da wannan datijjo ya dawo a cikin sa. Ko wayannan shugabanin PDP za su shigar da kara kamar yadda bokayen suka kalubalance su, ko hasara zasu runguma kamar yadda ta zama sana' a a gare su? Lokaci zai nuna. Daga Amb Abu bako

Monday 21 August 2017

Transcript of President Buhari speech

“My dear citizens, I am very grateful to God and to all Nigerians for their prayers. I am pleased to be back on home soil among my brothers and sisters. In the course of my stay in the United Kingdom, I have been kept in daily touch with events at home. Nigerians are robust and lively in discussing their affairs, but I was distressed to notice that some of the comments, especially in the social media have crossed our national red lines by daring to question our collective existence as a nation. This is a step too far. In 2003 after I joined partisan politics, the late Chief Emeka Ojukwu came and stayed as my guest in my hometown Daura. Over two days we discussed in great depth till late into the night and analyzed the problems of Nigeria. We both came to the conclusion that the country must remain one and united. Nigeria’s unity is settled and not negotiable. We shall not allow irresponsible elements to start trouble and when things get bad they run away and saddle others with the responsibility of bringing back order, if necessary with their blood. Every Nigerian has the right to live and pursue his business anywhere in Nigeria without let or hindrance. I believe the very vast majority of Nigerians share this view. This is not to deny that there are legitimate concerns. Every group has a grievance. But the beauty and attraction of a federation is that it allows different groups to air their grievances and work out a mode of co-existence. The National Assembly and the National Council of State are the legitimate and appropriate bodies for national discourse. The national consensus is that, it is better to live together than to live apart. Furthermore, I am charging the Security Agencies not to let the successes achieved in the last 18 months be a sign to relax. Terrorists and criminals must be fought and destroyed relentlessly so that the majority of us can live in peace and safety. Therefore we are going to reinforce and reinvigorate the fight not only against; • elements of Boko Haram which are attempting a new series of attacks on soft targets • kidnappings, farmers versus herdsmen clashes, • in addition to ethnic violence fuelled by political mischief makers. We shall tackle them all. Finally, dear Nigerians, our collective interest now is to eschew petty differences and come together to face common challenges of; • economic security, • political evolution and integration • as well as lasting peace among all Nigerians. I remain resolutely committed to ensuring that these goals are achieved and maintained. I am so glad to be home. Thank you and may God bless our dear Nation.”

Ghana crisis : No Nigerian killed, high commission

The Nigerian High Commission to Ghana has denied reports regarding the purported killing of some Nigerians in Ghana. The high commission in a statement on Monday said although there were xenophobic attacks targeted at some Nigerians in Ghana, no one was killed. It said on August 18, 2017, Nigerian nationals living around Sowutoun area in the Ga Municipality of the Greater Accra Region, Ghana, were allegedly targeted for attacks. The foreign mission said the attack was in retaliation to the stabbing to death of a 27-year-old Ghanaian, Mr.Misbau Amadu, by 48-year-old Thompson Peters, a Nigerian national from Delta state in his residence around 11pm on August 17, 2017. The statement added that the Deputy Accra Regional Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Kwabena Danso, revealed that the Nigerian, Mr. Peters, had on August 10, 2017, lodged a complaint at the Police Station at Lapas Area of Accra that Mr. Amadu broke into his apartment and stole some items. It added that while investigation on the claim was ongoing, Peters again on August 17, 2017, called the police to report that Mr. Amadu went to his (Peter’s) house around 9am armed with a knife and attacked him for reporting the case to the police.
The statement read in part, “In the course of the fight that ensued, Mr. Peters claimed he overpowered Amadu and stabbed him in his head in self-defence. The victim was rushed to the Mary Lucy Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival by doctors. As a result, Mr. Peters was accordingly arrested by the police for investigations. “Consequently, in the early hours of the next day, Friday, August 18, 2017, news quickly filtered out to Ghanaian residents of the area that a Nigerian had killed a Ghanaian following a misunderstanding over a girlfriend. “Ghanaians therefore mobilised against the Nigerians in the area and carried out attacks against them and their properties. The Accra Regional Police reportedly intervened and brought the situation under control. “Before it was curbed, some Nigerians had reportedly sustained injuries and their properties, including vehicles, damaged. There was, however, no confirmation of the death of any Nigerian as a result of the incident as alleged. Some Nigerians have reportedly moved out of the area for fear of further attacks on them.” The high commission said the suspect is currently in protective custody at the Odokor Police Station while some Nigerian diplomats would be meeting with the police and the suspect later

Sunday 20 August 2017

Nigeria has no alternative to Buhari now – NUPENG

The Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, NUPENG, on Sunday said the jubilation that followed the arrival of President Muhammadu Buhari was an indication that the country had no alternative to him now. Tokunbo Korodo, the Chairman, South-West Chapter of the union told the News Agency of Nigeria in Lagos that Nigerians were in happy mood with the arrival of their President. “We believe in our president and I can tell you, categorically, that there is no alternative to Buhari in moving the country forward,” he said. According to the chairman, the people came out immensely to welcome him, because they believed in him to turn around the ailing economy. “It is with happiness that Nigerians came to welcome their president, after 104 days in United Kingdom’s hospital. “The gesture showed by Nigerians is a sign that they believe in him and they have been praying for him to recover from the illness. “They have hope in him that he is back to turn the country’s ailing economy round. “Everybody is happy to receive the president back in the country.”
Mr. Korodo urged Mr. Buhari to continue with his good work. “Our president should not relent in his effort in getting rid of corrupt Nigerians and also ensure that money recovered from treasury looters is pump into the economy.’’ On August 19, many residents of Federal Capital Territory thronged the major roads from airport to catch a glimpse of the president who had spent 104 days outside Nigeria. He was on medical vacation in London. Some were seen singing, dancing with banners of the president’s portraits in their hands while others jostled to take photographs of his convoy with their cell phones. The presidential aircraft that conveyed Mr. Buhari landed at the airport at about 4:35 p.m. to the excitement of all those present at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja. The aircraft then taxied to the tarmac amidst music played by the Guards Brigade along with a cultural troupe performing at the airport. The president later mounted a rostrum and saluted the guard of honour before getting into his official car and driven to the presidential villa.

My credentials still with military, Buhari tells INEC

Over 70 out of the 91 political parties are presenting presidential candidates that will participate in the 2019 Presidential elections...