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Thursday 14 December 2017

INEC registers 21 new parties (FULL LIST)

The electoral commission, INEC, has registered 21 new parties. This was made known in a statement by May Agbmuche-Mbu. The new registrations bring the total number of parties in Nigeria to 67. Read the INEC statement below. INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION
PRESS STATEMENT The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) held its usual weekly meeting today and took decisions on the registration of new political parties, the findings on the allegation of double registration by the Governor of Kogi State and the outstanding Anambra Central Senatorial re-run election. REGISTRATION OF NEW POLITICAL PARTIES The following associations have fulfilled the Constitutional requirements for registration as political parties: S/no And name of political party 1. All Blending Party ABP 2. All Grassroots Alliance AGA 3. Alliance for New Nigeria ANN 4. Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party ANRP 5. Coalition for Change C4C 6. Freedom and Justice Party FJP 7 Grassroots Development Party of Nigeria GDPN 8. Justice Must Prevail Party JMPP 9. Legacy Party of Nigeria LPN 10 Mass Action Joint Alliance MAJA 11. Modern Democratic Party MDP 12 National Interest Party NIP 13. National Rescue Mission NRM 14. New Progressive Movement NPM 15. Nigeria Democratic Congress Party NDCP 16. People’s Alliance for National Development and Liberty PANDEL 17. People’s Trust PT 18. Providence People’s Congress PPC 19. Re-Build Nigeria Party RBNP 20. Restoration Party of Nigeria RP 21. Sustainable National Party SNP With this development, the total number of registered political parties in Nigeria is now 67.

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