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Friday 27 October 2017

Catalonia: Spain PM Rajoy asks Senate for powers to depose Catalan president Puigdemont

Spain's prime minister says the government's first move will be to dismiss Catalonia's president if special powers are granted by the country's Senate. Mariano Rajoy was addressing the chamber ahead of a vote on whether to activate constitutional powers to seize control of Catalonia's autonomous powers in a bid to halt the region's independence bid. Rajoy says if the measures are approved, Spain's government will fire Catalonia regional President Carles Puigdemont and his ministers. The Spanish leader said "what is happening in Catalonia is "a clear violation of the laws, of democracy, of the rights of all, and that has consequences." He said the special powers that the central government wants to impose in Catalonia aren't meant to take away liberties of Catalans but to protect them. Rajoy said the country was facing a challenge not seen in its recent history, and that the measures were the only way out of the crisis. Catalonia's regional parliament is also expected to hold a special session later Friday in which a formal declaration of independence may be made.

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