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Monday 30 October 2017

BREAKING: Military kills fleeing Boko Haram on horse in Borno

From, Timothy Olanrewaju, Maiduguri Two horse-riding Boko Haram members fleeing from military clearance operation on their hideout at a Borno town have been killed. Army Deputy Director, 8 Task Force Division, Monguno, Borno State, Col Timothy Antigha in a statement said the insurgents fleeing on horse were gun down by military troops during a fierce battle at Gambo Yukku forest in Gubio, northern part of Borno . “Troops were on routine patrol in Aisaram village, Gubio Local Government Area, as part of the clearance operations, when at about 6:20 am this morning, 2 Boko Haram terrorists riding horses attempted to outflank them, but were spotted by vigilant troops and shot during the fire fight,” Antigha said. He said troops recovered an AK 47 riffle, a magazine with a single round of 7.62 millimeters ammunition and 2 machetes from the insurgents. Boko Haram has stepped up attacks and suicide bombings in recent time. On Sunday night, two suicide bombers were intercepted by security personnel in Maiduguri a week after twin blasts killed 14 people.

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