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Tuesday 31 October 2017

New York attack suspect 'shouted Allah Akbar' after leaving truck he hit pedestrians with

The New York "terror attack" suspect apparently shouted "Allah Akbar" during the incident, it has been reported. Witnesses reportedly told the New York Police Department (NYPD) they heard the attacker shout out after he left the truck that he used to run over pedestrians. More follows…

At least six reported dead after 'deliberate act' in New York

The driver of a truck which ran over pedestrians is in custody in what NYPD is calling a terrorist act New York Police Department sources have reported at least six deaths and several injuries in an incident in lower Manhattan, according to CNN. The incident took place near the West Side Highway and Chambers St, in close proximity to Stuyvesant High School, the Freedom Tower, and the September 11th Memorial, where the World Trade Center once stood. The high school has reportedly been placed on lockdown.NYPD has reported that one person is in custody, who is believed to be the driver of a box truck drove down south from Houston Street to Chambers Street, along a bicycle path, running several pedestrians over. He also reportedly ran into a school bus. There are no reports as yet if any children are amoung the dead or injured. The driver exited the vehicle, brandished a reportedly imitation weapon, and was shot by police on the scene according to NYPD. There were eyewitness reports of several shots fired near the September 11th memorial site. Witnesses have been saying they saw people running and screaming, while traffic was completely stopped on the West Side Highway. There is no report as to whether all the deaths are due to the vehicle or shots fired. The area around the memorial is normally a heavily policed area. Bomb squad officers and the Fire Department responded to the scene within minutes of the incident at 3 pm local time. NYPD has said they are not in search of additional suspects and they are treating this as a terror attack.

Queen Cerruti of Netherlands visits Ambode

Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos State on Tuesday said the state would begin the implementation of Health Insurance Scheme in 2018 to make healthcare accessible to every resident, irrespective of financial status.
The governor said this when Queen Maxima Cerruti of Netherlands and her entourage paid him a courtesy visit at State House in Alausa, Lagos. Ambode thanked the queen for being an advocate of womanhood and humanity. He explained the positive impact of his administration on health issues and the health insurance scheme. He added that the establishment of State Employment Trust Fund was part of efforts toward ensuring financial inclusion for the people with focus on the informal sector, a move which he said helped greatly in the last two years. He, therefore, urged the Federal Government to scale up financial assistance to all Nigerians. He promised “a robust partnership with the Netherlands and other relevant stakeholders at delivering government of inclusion to Lagosians.” Cerruti, who is also a UN Secretary-General Special Advocate for Financial Inclusion and Development, commended Ambode “for the push to make Health Insurance Scheme a priority.” She said she was in Nigeria to engage stakeholders on advancement of financial inclusion as a vehicle to ending poverty. She commended the efforts of Lagos State Government to establish its health insurance scheme, adding that she was impressed with the leadership quality and status of the state. The Queen, as UN advocate on issues surrounding financial inclusion, is in Nigeria to meet stakeholders and discuss how to alleviate poverty and foster equitable economic growth. (NAN)

Raila Odinga: Kenya election rerun 'must not stand'

Kenya's opposition leader has said his coalition will not accept the result of last week's controversial presidential election rerun, vowing to embark on a political campaign to "restore democracy in the country". Raila Odinga made the comments on Tuesday, one day after President Uhuru Kenyatta was declared the winner of the October 26 poll. Kenyatta took 98.2 percent of the votes, according to official results, but turnout stood at less than 40 percent following a boycott call by Odinga. "This election must not stand," Odinga told reporters, saying that the result was not credible and alleging that the electoral body was not in charge of the poll. If allowed to stand, it will make a complete mockery of elections and might well be the end of the ballot as a means of instituting government in Kenya," added Odinga, leader of the National Super Alliance (NASA) opposition coalition. "It will completely destroy public confidence in the vote. Reasonable people will not turn out to vote in elections with pre-determined outcomes." The poll rerun was called after the country's Supreme Court annulled an August 8 presidential election - following a challenge by Odinga - because of "illegalities and irregularities" in the voting process. Odinga withdrew from the repeat poll claiming reforms demanded by the opposition had not been made to the electoral commission. Ahead of the vote, he had urged his supporters to not participate in what he called a "sham" election and vowed to transform NASA into a "resistance movement" against the government. In his remarks on Tuesday, Odinga he referred to a programme of "vigorous positive political action" that will include "economic boycotts, peaceful processions. picketing and other legitimate protests". Kenya's Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) announced on Monday that 38.84 percent of the registered voters had turned up to cast their ballot in the poll rerun - that is 7.6 million of the 19.6 million registered voters.
In contrast, nearly 79 percent of the registered voters had taken part in August's annulled election. But in a victory speech on Monday, Kenyatta denied that many people had not turned up to vote. "Many Kenyans exercised their democratic rights," he said after the announcement of the official results by IEBC. "The narrative locally and internationally therefore the voter turnout was low is inaccurate. It is nothing but a history of political convenience and a tirade of conjuncture statistics," he added. Call for talks The African Union on Tuesday said the poll was credible and urged dialogue between Kenyatta and Odinga. "Overall, the stipulated procedures for opening, voting, closing and counting were largely complied with," the AU said in a statement. The AU observer mission noted improvements in the technical conduct of the elections." In the run-up to the election, Kenya was gripped by almost daily protests and running battles between opposition supporters and security forces. At least 50 people have been killed in political violence witnessed since August's annulled polls. SOURCE: AL JAZEERA NEWS

North Korean tunnel at nuclear test site collapses with as many as 200 workers killed, Japanese media report

As many as 200 construction workers are feared dead after the collapse of a tunnel at a nuclear test site in North Korea, according to a Japanese media report. The tunnel was being built at the Punggye-ri test site when it collapsed, according to a report on Japan's TV Asahi citing an unnamed source in North Korea. It said that about 100 people were initially trapped in the tunnel and another 100 may have been killed by a second collapse as they tried to rescue the first group. The broadcaster said the collapse took place around 10 September. South Korea's Yonhap news agency said the report did not provide further details, including when the incident occurred.
Monitors have previously picked up seismic shocks at North Korea's main nuclear testing site that are consistent with a major collapse. Experts have said a series of tremors and landslides near the nuclear test base probably mean the country's sixth and largest blast on 3 September has destabilised the region, and the Punggye-ri nuclear site may not be used for much longer to test nuclear weapons. The mountain visibly shifted during the last nuclear test, which was recorded as a 6.3 magnitude earthquake. Since then, the area, which is not known for natural seismic activity, has had three more quakes. Chinese scientists have warned that if the whole mountain collapsed, radiation could escape and drift across the region. It comes amid news North Korea has conducted mass evacuation drills as it prepares for the possibility of war. South Korean media said drills had been conducted in "secondary and tertiary cities and towns" over the last week, mostly on the pariah state's east coast, which borders the Sea of Japan. Blackout drills, where towns turn off all light sources at night to avoid illuminating targets for the enemy, were also conducted. The threat North Korea launching a nuclear missile attack is accelerating, US Defence Secretary James Mattis has said. General Mattis accused the North of illegal and unnecessary missile and nuclear programmes and pledged to repel any strike. North Korea has accelerated the threat that it poses to its neighbors and the world through its illegal and unnecessary missile and nuclear weapons programs," he said, adding that US-South Korean military and diplomatic collaboration had thus taken on "a new urgency."
"I cannot imagine a condition under which the United States would accept North Korea as a nuclear power," he added.

Young Man rapes 100-year-old woman to death

A drunken man has raped a 100-year-old woman to death in Uttar Pradesh State’s Meerut district, northern India, police said on Tuesday. Police said the crime took place late last Sunday night. Police officer, Rajesh Kumar said, “The elderly woman was sleeping on the verandah of her house when she was attacked by the inebriated man. “She was taken hospital where she passed away on Monday. According to Daily Mail Uk, the suspect in his twenties has been arrested and charged him with rape and murder. “The man said he was innocent.” India has been in the spotlight in recent years over incidents of sexual violence against women.

Kano: Probe police corporal for alleged rape of teenager, NGO urges IGP

A Kano-based non-governmental organisation, Ra’ayi Initiative for Human Development, has called on the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Idris Ibrahim, to order immediate investigation into the case of alleged sexual assault leveled against a police corporal in Anambra State. The group, in a statement signed by its secretary, Hamisu Gumel, said Corporal Barau Garba, who was posted to Anambra on special duty and attached with Okpoko divisional headquarters, Onitsha, was alleged to have raped a 14-year-old girl. According to the release issued in Kano, the victim, who lives with her parents in Asaba, Delta State, fell into the hands of the corporal when the young girl was stranded in Onitsha where her parents sent her to on an errand from Asaba on October 14, 2017. “She was left stranded after she lost her transport fare only to approached Corporal Barau Garba, who was deployed from MOPOL 7 Sokoto State, for help to get to her destination. Unfortunately, the randy policeman took advantage of her innocence and tricked her into believing he was going to help her. “Instead of helping the poor girl get transport back to Asaba, he took her to a temporary police base, locked her up in his room and raped her repeatedly for six days until her private part was ruptured. “Her situation and whereabouts came to public knowledge after she was able to call her father using her abductor’s cellphone, which she snatched when he was fast asleep in the middle of the night. This led to her rescue from the captivity of the beast-like policeman”. The release stated that after the victim survived the sexual assault, she was admitted into a hospital, where doctors confirmed she was serially raped and suffered virginal mutilation. The group also accused the DPO of Okpoko Division of shielding Corporal Barau through desperate efforts to cover up the case, as he reportedly admonished father of the victim to forgive the cop since they both are from the same region. The group equally solicited support of relevant government agencies such as NAPTIP, National Human Rights Commission, and the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, to rise to the occasion and ensure that the traumatised Maryam gets justice. Meanwhile, the Imo State police command yesterday paraded 49 suspects involved in various heinous crimes ranging from murder, kidnapping, cultism, armed robbery and child trafficking. Also were 38 male suspects apprehended by the Commander of the 34 Artillery Brigade, Obinze, Brig. Gen. H.I. Bature. They were arrested during the just ended Operation Python Dance II (Egwu Eke II) in the state. Parading the suspects at the command headquarters, the Commissioner of Police, Chris Ezike, said the police would ensure a crime-free yuletide. Also paraded was Chisom John Igbokwe at Akwakuma, Owerri North Local Council, for allegedly faking his own abduction with the intention of collecting ransom from his grandfather. For the murder of one Oguegbu Offurum, a native of Umuobi in Ohaji/Egbema Council Area were, 14-year-old girl, Iheoma Chidinma, Lekwuma Ogbuji, Amaechi Ikechukwu and Clement Onyema.

Monday 30 October 2017

Kenya elections: President Uhuru Kenyatta wins 98% of re-run vote

Incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta won 98 per cent of the vote in a repeat presidential election in Kenya, although only 39 per cent of voters turned out due to an opposition boycott, the electoral commission said on Monday. The announcement provoked small protests in a few opposition strongholds, but also celebrations in pro-Kenyatta areas of the east African country. Veteran opposition leader Raila Odinga had already branded the election a farce. Given the deeply polarised atmosphere, some Kenyans fear that the violence seen so far – for the most part protesters clashing with police – is starting to take on ethnic overtones after two deaths in clashes between rival groups at the weekend. On Monday, the US ambassador said Washington was “profoundly concerned” by the outbreaks of violence in Kenya – east Africa’s biggest economy and a key security ally of the West against militant Islam – since the re-run election on 26 October. In his victory speech, Mr Kenyatta repeated his belief that his victory in the original 8 August election – later nullified by the Supreme Court due to a string of irregularities – was legitimate and said dialogue would have to wait if the opposition was going to lodge court cases again. “My victory today is just part of a process that is likely to once again be subjected to a constitutional test through our courts ... I will submit to this constitutional path regardless of the outcome,” Mr Kenyatta said. “Those who are going to ask me: ‘Are you going to engage in dialogue?’ ... Let them [the opposition] first and foremost exhaust all their constitutional options.” Mr Kenyatta took 98 per cent of the vote, results from 266 out of 291 constituencies showed. The electoral commission said 7,616,217 valid votes were cast, representing 39 per cent of the 19.6 million registered voters. Protests by Mr Odinga’s supporters prevented polling stations from opening in 25 constituencies. The election commission said that poor security prevented balloting in those areas but the final announcement could go ahead as it would not “materially affect” the result. As the election commission began reading results on Monday, around 100 youths listening through their mobile phones gathered in Nairobi’s Kawangware slum, chanting ”No Raila No Peace”. As soon as the outcome was announced, protesters lit a bonfire in the middle of the street and began taunting riot police with cries of “the people want tear gas”. Earlier in the day, police dispersed protesters there with tear gas when they tried to block a visit to Kawangware by Interior Minister Fred Matiang’i. In another Nairobi shanty town, Mathare, the scene of deadly clashes between police and protesters immediately after the August vote, social worker Ann Mbuthia, 58, told Reuters before the results were known that women were hurrying home. “We are afraid because here in Mathare youth are ready to fight if Uhuru [the winner] is announced,” she said. “Women are afraid to come out of their houses.” And in the western city of Kisumu, Mr Odinga’s political heartland, around 50 youths began to block the road at the Kondele roundabout, the epicentre of protests, while others banged metal poles together. But the protest was small. “What can I do? They’ve already announced it. Even if I burn tyres, nothing will change,” said 25-year-old labourer Kennedy Omondi as he watched young men set a barricade alight. Mr Odinga pulled out of last week’s vote, saying the electoral commission had failed to institute reforms to forestall the kind of “illegalities and irregularities” that scuppered Mr Kenyatta’s victory in the August election. Kura Yangu Sauti Yangu, a coalition of civil society organisations with 2,000 election observers, said there were “multiple” cases where results from polling stations differed from results on the forms posted on the election portal after last week’s vote. In a report, they supplied a photo taken by their observers of the tally sheet for Bashaal market centre in Garissa. It showed 133 votes for Mr Kenyatta while the form displayed online showed 433 votes. Another form posted on the election website, from Tumbeni primary school in Kakamega, showed four votes for Mr Odinga and two for another minor candidate but recorded the total number of votes cast was 77 votes cast.

Rift between Buhari and I, fake news – Tinubu

Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Ahmed Tinubu has described as fake news, insinuations that he is not in good terms with President Muhammadu Buhari. Tinubu spoke to State House Correspondents after about an hour closed-door meeting with the President, describing reports that he had been sidelined by cabal in the Presidential Villa as a mere myth. He said though he worked alongside others to bring Buhari to power, it was wrong for him to babysit the president, stressing that his confidence Buhari’s has not dwindled. Tinubu worked into the Presidential Villa at 3:28pm shortly after President Buhari met with Senate President Bukola Saraki and Speaker of House Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, Chairman of Nigeria Governors’ Forum and Zamfara State Governor, Abdullaziz Yari and National Chairman, All Progressive Congress (APC), John Odigie-Oyegun, behind closed doors. Tinubu who said their meeting was fruitful, productive and exciting said, “I just met with the President. Our discussion was fruitful, productive and it was about the country and leadership as a whole. And that got him excited and happy.” On allegations that he and Buhari were not on good terms and that he has been sidelined by the Cabal, the Asiwaju replied, “Fake news. I have confidence in this President there is no doubt about that. We worked hard to bring about the government, there are certain things that are unpredictable and those are things that can lean itself to gossips, insinuations and all of that. But once you create leadership and is functioning you don’t have to babysit that leadership unless there is a loss of confidence and I don’t have that. “You know me. I’m not known to shy away from talking my mind and rebelling if it is necessary and taking charge of things that I believe are necessary. What is the myth in this leadership thing? What is cable? Is a myth. We are the party of the people, for the people and by the people and this is democratic environment. Each of us have our roles to play and that is why we are playing it. I don’t believe in the myth, I believe in confidence building, the trust that we have in the president. In the journey of democracy you are going to have twists and turns, you are going to have conflicts. Conflicts resolution mechanisms is inbuilt on how you handle your party and the governance and the party are joined by the hips.” Ob allegations that there is panic ahead of the party’s National Executive Council meeting on Tuesday and that the already fence mending was on, Tinubu replies, “Did I tell you that? Why do you want to know are you a member of our party?” Asked if he believe the APC is still on course, he said, “Can you go back to the history of 16 years of the PDP? APC government is on course and will remain on course and we will remain focused to those necessary things about development, welfare and progress of our people. Is not easy to face the challenges and the well that was dug, sinkhole that we inherited. But we are sorting that one out gradually so few steps we will find happiness and development in the future of our country.” Asked to comment on calls by groups for the President to run for the 2019 elections, he said, “Don’t discuss that one with me.”

BREAKING] Security agencies can go after Lawal, Oke -Presidency

The Presidency on Monday said the nation’s security agencies were free to go after the sacked Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babachir Lawal, and the Director General of the National Intelligence Agency, Ambassador Ayo Oke. The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, disclosed this in a statement made available to journalists. The statement read, “The President has taken the administrative action. All other actions will be taken by relevant government agencies. “The position of the President, therefore, is that investigation agencies which have already commenced the investigation of the two officers removed from office will go on with their work of investigation without any interference or hindrance. “The President who is fully conversant with the provisions of the constitution will not stop the investigation of anyone because he has no such power under our laws. This is a decision of the Supreme Court. “The President under our laws can, through the Attorney General enter a nolle prosequi to stop an on-going trial. He may upon conviction, order a pardon. “Beyond these, the president cannot order investigation agencies to not investigate anyone and does not intend to do in this, or any other circumstance. “Based on his wish and desire for a strict observance of the law, the President expects the EFCC, ICPC and such agencies to proceed with ongoing investigations. “When and where they have reasonable grounds to charge former or serving officers to court under our laws, they do not require the permission of the President to do so.”

Catalonia: Leader's flight to Brussels sees first day of work for 'independent' Catalan state descend into chaos

Spanish officials say that even as he tweeted to suggest he was outside the regional presidency building, Carles Puigdemont was already making plans to escape to Belgium
The first working day for the administration of Catalonia, Europe’s newest “independent” country, unfolded in an extraordinary and dramatic fashion with its leader reportedly fleeing to Brussels as he faced charges brought by the Spanish government for rebellion, sedition and embezzlement. Carles Puigdemont travelled to the Belgian capital, according to officials, as Spain’s chief public prosecutor announced that he was seeking indictments carrying prison sentences of up to 30 years against the Catalan President and other members of the government in Barcelona, which has been recently dissolved by Madrid.Reports of the flight came 24 hours after Belgium’s Minister for Asylum and Migration stated that Mr Puigdemont can seek refuge in the country. “Catalan people who feel politically threatened can ask for asylum in Belgium and that includes President Puigdemont, this is 100 per cent legal,” Theo Francken had declared. In a day of accusation, recrimination and confusion, Mr Puigdemont posted a photograph of the regional presidency building with the Catalan flag flying beside that of Spain, accompanied by a smiley emoticon and the words “good morning”. This led to the assumption that he had, as he had vowed, turned up in office as usual. But, Spanish government officials say, he was already making plans to escape to Brussels. The move spreads the Catalan crisis, which shows no sign of ending, across the Continent. The European Union has refused to recognise the region’s declaration of independence, but Mr Francken’s Flemish nationalist party has strong ties with Catalan separatists and its officials stated that all attempts would be made to prevent Mr Puigdemont’s extradition to Spain if he sought sanctuary in Belgium. VRT, the Belgian state broadcasting station said: “Carles Puigdemont is almost certainly coming to Brussels and is said to be on his way. Mr Puigdemont will meet lawyers and political representatives here.” The Spanish government had reacted angrily to Mr Francken’s asylum offer, with Esteban Gonzalez Pons, of the governing Popular Party, accusing him of “violating principles of solidarity and loyal collaboration between the countries of the European Union” and “making serious accusations against the work of Spanish judges and the rule of law in Spain”. The Spanish Attorney General, Jose Manuel Maza, announced that Mr Puigdemont and his colleagues “have produced an institutional crisis that ended with a unilateral declaration of independence with total disregard of our Constitution” and that the accused must answer summons “taking into account the seriousness of the facts and/or crimes imputed”. According to some reports, Mr Puigdemont drove from Catalonia across the French border to Marseilles with five members of the Catalan cabinet to catch the Brussels flight.As news of Mr Puigdemont’s supposed Brussels journey spread there was further internationalisation, albeit in a limited form, of the Catalan issue with Jan Skonberne, the deputy leader of Slovenia’s democratic party, part of the ruling coalition, insisting that his country will recognise the region’s independence in the near future. The Spanish government has announced that elections will be held in Catalonia on 21 December. The result of that is expected to be very close with a recent poll by El Mundo showing anti-independence parties getting 43.4 per cent of the vote to the pro-independence group’s 42.5 per cent. Catalonian separatists had initially refused to take part in the December ballot, insisting that the vote for independence in a controversial referendum earlier in the month must stand. But Mr Puigdemont’s PDeCat (Catalan Republican Party) and Vice President Oriol Junqueras’s Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) stated that it would field candidates. Sergi Sabria, an ERC MP, held that Madrid has called an election “which is illegitimate, meant to be a trap. But taking part on 21 December is an opportunity to better consolidate the Republic”. A vast demonstration was staged on Sunday by anti-independence Spanish nationalists, with estimates of attendance numbers varying between 300,000 to a million, and there were some chants in memory of Franco and a few Nazi salutes. There was a heavy deployment of police in the streets in anticipation of possible trouble, with Catalan ministers insisting that they would carry on the duties of their “independent” administration. The Spanish government had ordered that they had “a few hours” to collect their belongings, but faced arrest if they stayed beyond that in their offices. One Catalan minister, Josep Rull i Andreu, did turn up at his office tweeting “at my desk, carrying out the duties that I was tasked with by the people of Catalonia”. But he left 50 minutes later. Cesar Puig, the Catalan secretary-general, went to the interior ministry and was said to have wandered around before leaving. “He said goodbye,” said the janitor. “He did not say when he was coming back, he did not take any of his things.” The twists and turns of the day left some Catalonian nationalists bemused. Goncal Ignasi, a 23 year old student, said: “My friends and I don’t know what’s going on. If Mr Puigdemont has had to leave the country then it is because Spanish judges cannot be trusted. This used to happen in time of Franco, are we going back to those days?
“Whether Mr Puidgement has left or not,” Mr Ignasi said, ”there is no chance of us accepting things the way they were in the past and Spain taking control. The future is very worrying.”

PDP demands Buhari’s impeachment over Babachir Lawal, Oke’s sack

The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has demanded the impeachment of President Muhammadu Buhari over his response to corruption cases involving the former Secretary to the Government, Babachir Lawal, and former National Intelligence Agency, boss, Ayodele Oke. The party, while calling for the prosecution of the duo, said Messrs. Lawal and Oke were being treated under “a different set of laws.” The two top officials, who have been on suspension for months, were relieved of their duties on Monday by President Buhari after widespread outcry. Mr. Babachir has since been replaced by Boss Mustapha while Nigerians await the replacement of the NIA boss. The PDP in a statement signed by the party’s spokesperson, Dayo Adeyeye, said it was not pleased with the action. The opposition party said the act is ‘‘an insult to the collective intelligence of the people who waited patiently for the President’s reaction to the humongous act of corruption by two of his principal aides.’’ Its statement read in part: “First and foremost, we had disagreed with the President last year when he decided to set up the panel headed by the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo to investigate the matter because we thought that was the wrong course of action to take. “Ordinarily, cases of corruption or alleged cases of misappropriation of funds are supposed to be referred to institutions that are saddled with the responsibility to investigate and prosecute such matters which is the ICPC and the EFCC if there is any prima facie case against them. “But it appears not all animals are equal under the Buhari APC administration. Some people are treated with kid gloves while others particularly those in opposition are subjected to all manner of harrowing experiences.” It said the president’s actions were ‘impeachable.’ “This is an impeachable offence. So, the President cannot just sack Ayo Oke and Babachir Lawal and expect us to be clapping for him. “We believe that we are operating under a democracy and a constitution that governs our affairs. To have subjected these people to different sets of rule and treatment is totally unacceptable. “Nigerians are the same under the law and Babachir Lawal and Ayo Oke should not be tried by the Presidency while others are hounded by the EFCC and ICPC. “These actions of Mr. President are therefore a breach of his oath of office which he swore to defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and to be fair and just to all Nigerians without any discrimination whatsoever.” “The action of the President is a gross violation of his constitutional oath and therefore constitutes a veritable ground for impeachment .Using and applying different laws to different people in the country is a direct assault on the constitution and the rule of law. “Consequently, we call on the National Assembly to begin processes to impeach the President for breach of the Constitution and fragrance disobedient to the laws of Nigeria. “We totally reject these actions and the law should follow its full course on the issues of these officers. In other words, their case should be referred to the EFCC for proper investigation and trial, more so when the President has not told us what the report of the findings was. “Nigerians are entitled to know the findings of the panel headed by the Vice President. The report should be made public since it is the people’s money that is involved. “The President has by his actions taken Nigeria to the level of a banana republic. We are not in a banana republic, this is the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Three successive governments of the PDP did not act in the manner President Buhari is acting.” “There is no doubt that the sudden sack of the SGF and the DG of NIA is just a consequence of the backlash on the Abdulrasheed Maina saga. Up till now there’s no answer to the pertinent questions we have asked on the Maina saga.” “The government cares less about the feelings and opinions of Nigerians. This kind of arrogance is unprecedented in the history of this county. We again call for the arrest and investigation of the two Ministers involved in the return of Maina into the Civil Service, that is, the Minister of Interior, Bello Dambazau and Abubakar Mallami, the Attorney General of the Federation & Minister of Justice.” Fayose too Also, Ekiti State governor, Ayo Fayose, a notable critic of the president, described the sack as a face-saving measure. “The President only acted to save his face from the global embarrassment caused him by the outcry of Nigerians on the news of Maina’s reinstatement,” Mr. Fayose said Monday. A fugitive ex-pension boss, Abdulrasheed Maina, accused of corruption, was recently secretly reabsorbed into the civil service with the connivance of top government officials. After a public outcry, President Buhari ordered his dismissal. Governor Fayose, who demanded the immediate arrest and trial of Maina as well as the sack of all those who perpetrated his reinstatement, described the president’s actions as fraudulent and shameful. In a statement signed by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose, who likened Buhari’s anti-corruption fight to a situation where “Satan is calling Judas Iscariot a sinner,” reminded Nigerians that he said ‘‘before now that the kind of corruption that will be witnessed in President Buhari’s government will be unprecedented and that he had been vindicated.’’ “If Maina, who was declared wanted for corrupt practices by the International Police Organisation, (INTERPOL) after he was dismissed from office by the Civil Service Commission in 2013 for allegedly committing N2.1 billion pension fraud while in office, could be secretly reinstated and even promoted without writing the required civil service promotion examination, no one should be in doubt any longer that Buhari is not fighting any corruption.” Governor Fayose described President Buhari and his men as defenders and protectors of corruption. “There is no doubt that the sudden sack of the SGF and the DG of NIA is just a consequence of the backlash on the Abdulrasheed Maina saga. Up till now, there’s no answer to the pertinent questions we have asked on the Maina saga,” Mr. Fayose said. However, Mr. Buhari’s party, the All Progressive Congress, APC, in a brief statement Monday, signed by party spokesman, Bolaji Abdullahi, commended the president for the action. It said it was pleased with the appointment of the new SGF, Boss Mustapha. “Mustapha is a competent, loyal and dedicated leader, who over the years has demonstrated that he has a pan-Nigerian outlook,” the party said.

Donald Trump campaign adviser George Papadopolous pleads guilty to making false statements to FBI as part of Mueller-Russia probe

A former adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russian agents. According to an unsealed court document, Mr Papadopoulos lied to Federal Bureau of Investigation agents who were interviewing him after Mr Trump's January inauguration, when the FBI was investigating the Russian government's effort to interfere in the 2016 US presidential campaign. The document says Mr Papadopoulos misrepresented the timeline of his work for the Trump campaign and falsely claimed he did not understand that a professor who promised “dirt” on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton had ties to the Russian government. Shortly after learning he would be a foreign policy adviser for Mr Trump’s campaign, the document says, Mr Papadopoulos met a professor who claimed to have “substantial connections with Russian government officials” - ties Mr Papadopoulos thought he could leverage to magnify his value to the Trump campaign, the document says. The interest was allegedly mutual, with the formerly indifferent professor showing “great interest” in Mr Papadopoulos once he was tabbed by the Trump campaign, according to the court document. Both the timing of that contact and the professor’s proclaiming his links to Russia undercut Mr Papadopoulos’ initial statements to investigators. After meeting Mr Papadopoulos, the document states, the professor introduced the Trump campaign aide to a Russian national who said she was a “relative of Russian President Vladimir Putin with connections to senior Russian government officials”. That connection prompted Mr Papadopoulos to email an unnamed senior Trump policy adviser about an open invitation to meet with Mr Putin, a possibility he continued to press with at least one other Trump campaign official. American intelligence agencies believe Mr Putin ordered a concerted campaign to upend the 2016 presidential election by spreading misinformation, and that he developed a clear preference for Mr Trump. They have concluded that the Russian government directed the hacks of emails from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton operative John Podesta, which became a persistent feature of the presidential campaign as WikiLeaks published the missives - prompting Mr Trump to proclaim “I love WikiLeaks”. On April 26, according to the document, the professor told Mr Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Ms Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails”. The document does not say if those emails are the same ones that Russian-directed hackers poached from Democratic sources. WikiLeaks began publishing emails - which founder Julian Assange has said did not come from Russian sources - about two months after the professor allegedly alerted Mr Papadopoulos that Russians “have dirt on” Ms Clinton in the form of emails. The unsealing of the court document, dated October 5, coincided with the indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort for money laundering and signaled that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into linkages between the Trump campaign and Russia was entering a new phase. Court documents laying out the cases against Mr Manafort and Mr Papadopoulos do not specifically implicate Mr Trump, and the President responded to the news by continuing to bat down the idea of wrongdoing, writing on Twitter that there was “NO COLLUSION”.

Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort turns himself in to FBI

President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort has reportedly arrived at the FBI's offices in Washington to face charges as part of an investigation into the Trump campaign's links to Russia. Mr Manafort walked into the FBI Headquarters in Washington DC at approximately 8:15 am local time with his lawyer, but had no comment for reporters.

Saudi Arabia to allow women to attend sports stadiums in latest rights reform

Saudi Arabia will allow women into three sports stadiums for the first time, the latest step in attempts to transform one of the world’s most conservative societies. The kingdom’s sports authority said stadiums in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam will be prepared to admit families at the beginning of next year, according to a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency. The move follows a decision by Saudi authorities last month to remove a longstanding ban on women driving. Easing restrictions on women is part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s plan to overhaul the economy to reduce its reliance on oil revenue. The government says it wants to increase women’s participation in the workforce to 30 percent from 22 percent by 2030.

Herdsmen begs FG to stop Benue anti-grazing law

Ahead of November 1 deadline for the implementation of anti grazing bill in Benue State, the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAN, has appealed to the federal government to prevail on the Benue State government to extend the implementation date. The National Coordinator of the association, Alhaji Garus Gololo, told newsmen on Sunday in Makurdi that the extension of the implementation time would enable both the government and the herdsmen resolve some grey areas in the law.He, however, did not disclose the duration of the extension needed. Gololo regretted that the law had placed certain responsibilities on the part of herdsmen that were difficult to fulfill within the time frame provided for its implementation. “For instance, we are expected to ranch our cattle, but a typical ranch involves the construction of schools for the children of the nomads, a veterinary clinic, borehole for its water supply, electricity and adequate space for the cattle to graze within the ranch. ”At the moment, what the government has promised is only the pivot ranches where all arrested cattle would be kept for a time after which it would be sold,” he observed.According to him, since it was difficult to buy land from the villagers, government should construct ranches and rent them to herdsmen as it was not possible to get land from the indigenes. He said it would not be in the interest of all for the Fulanis to leave the state in anger and called on the federal government to intervene to save the state from further crises. He stated that the herdsmen were set to migrate to Nasarawa, Taraba and Niger states if all entreaties for extension of the implementation time for the law failed. Gololo, accused Gov. Samuel Ortom’s Security Adviser, retired Col. Edwin Jando, of masterminding the anti open grazing law as a move to chase out the Fulanis from the state.We (MACBAN) have no confidence in Col. Jando. He does not want us and our cattle in Benue and we are leaving. I have written a petition to the governor against Jando,” Gololo said. Responding to the accusations by Gololo, Jando said nobody wanted the Fulanis out of the state. Jando explained that the herdsmen were carried along in all processes leading to the enactment of the law, adding that it was not correct for MACBAN to claim that the law was against them and was to flush them out of the state. He said the import of the law was to protect livestock owners by criminalizing cattle rustling. “Apart from providing a permanent solution to incessant clashes between farmers and herders, it protects livestock owners by criminalizing cattle rustling. “The extensive sensitization and advocacy of this law has made the MACBAN who were initially apprehensive to now support it. “In view of the above facts, it is not true that Fulanis are not wanted in Benue,” he explained.

BREAKING: Military kills fleeing Boko Haram on horse in Borno

From, Timothy Olanrewaju, Maiduguri Two horse-riding Boko Haram members fleeing from military clearance operation on their hideout at a Borno town have been killed. Army Deputy Director, 8 Task Force Division, Monguno, Borno State, Col Timothy Antigha in a statement said the insurgents fleeing on horse were gun down by military troops during a fierce battle at Gambo Yukku forest in Gubio, northern part of Borno . “Troops were on routine patrol in Aisaram village, Gubio Local Government Area, as part of the clearance operations, when at about 6:20 am this morning, 2 Boko Haram terrorists riding horses attempted to outflank them, but were spotted by vigilant troops and shot during the fire fight,” Antigha said. He said troops recovered an AK 47 riffle, a magazine with a single round of 7.62 millimeters ammunition and 2 machetes from the insurgents. Boko Haram has stepped up attacks and suicide bombings in recent time. On Sunday night, two suicide bombers were intercepted by security personnel in Maiduguri a week after twin blasts killed 14 people.

Rouhani: Iran will continue to produce missiles

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said Tehran will continue to produce missiles for defence purposes and does not believe its missile development programme violates international accords. In a speech to parliament on Sunday, Rouhani also hit out at the US, calling negotiations with Washington "madness." "We have built, are building and will continue to build missiles," the 68-year-old was quoted by State TV as saying. "We are not contradicting UN Resolution 2231." Rouhani's comments come after US President Donald Trump refused to certify Iran's compliance with a landmark 2015 deal curtailing Tehran's nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief. Trump has repeatedly criticised the accord, which was negotiated by the Obama administration and enshrined under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, as "the worst deal ever" and "an embarrassment". Under the agreement, Tehran agreed to limit its disputed nuclear programme in return for the easing of economic sanctions. Iran has repeatedly denied its missile development breaches the resolution, saying its missiles are not designed to carry nuclear weapons. On Saturday, Iranian army Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan also rejected the idea of discussing the country's missile capabilities, calling it "not negotiable." "Our missile might is among the capabilities that are not negotiable at all," Iran's Tasnim news agency quoted Pourdastan as saying.

How to Stop Being Jealous

Occasional jealousy is natural and can even be motivating. But if you find yourself getting upset when seeing Instagram photos of clothes, jobs, or cars that you envy, you might need to work through this issue. Or maybe your jealousy is making you paranoid and causing problems with you and your significant other. Curbing these emotions can be difficult, but it’s often necessary to move forward and feel secure and confident. Work through your jealousy by addressing it, finding a new focus, and improving yourself. You got this!
METHOD ONE OF THREE Handing jealousy in the short term 1-Take a few deep breaths when you start feeling jealous. Perhaps you see your boyfriend talking to another girl or find out your friend got the exact truck you want. Instead of freaking out, calm yourself instead. Take a deep breath in through your nose for five seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Do this until you feel calm.[1] If you want to address the issue, do so only when you’ve calmed down. For instance, if you see your boyfriend talking to a girl, calm down first, then approach him and say ‘hello’ to both of them. She may just be a friend or classmate. 2-Stay off social media. Social media floods you with images of people sharing fragments of their lives that might spark your jealousy. But, what you may not know is the girl who constantly posts pics of the flowers her boyfriend gets her may be unhappy in her relationship. People tend to only post things that show them in a positive light, so stay off social media while you’re overcoming your jealousy.[2] If you can’t stay off of social media, unfollow or unfriend the people you’re jealous of. 3-Avoid criticizing or using sarcasm. When you’re feeling jealous, you might resort to name-calling or trying to diminish the accomplishments of others. However, this only shows your insecurity and makes others feel bad. Instead of being negative, keep your comments to yourself or compliment them.[3] For instance, if your girlfriend comes home telling you about her new coworker, don’t say something like, “Oh, so since he’s so smart, you wanna go out with him now?” Allow your significant other to tell you things without fear of rudeness. 4-Confess your feelings if the person is close to you. If you're very jealous of a sibling, best friend, or significant other, and have been for years, tell them. Getting it off your chest can help you move on from this negative feeling and clear the air.[4] For instance, you might say, “Sis, I know that I’ve been a bit rude to you for a while. But when you got into Stanford and I didn’t, it hurt me. I’ve been so jealous of you because I feel like you’re living my dream. I know it’s not your fault, and I wish I didn’t feel this way.” 5-Focus on what you have in common with the person you’re jealous of. Unravel your jealousy by looking at the similarities you and the person you envy. The more you two are alike, the less you have to feel jealous over![5] For example, maybe you’re jealous of your neighbor because they have a nice car. But remember that the two of you live in the same neighborhood and probably have similar houses. Maybe you went to the same school, too, and have friends in common. METHOD TWO OF THREE Refocusing your attention 1- Identify the source of your jealousy. Understanding why you are jealous can help you overcome it. Is it because of low self-esteem and insecurity? Do you have a past history with infidelity? Or are you placing unreasonable standards on your relationship? Once you have identified the source, reflect on ways that you can improve upon or fix the issue. Writing in a journal every day can help you discover where your jealousy might be coming from. Professional therapy can help with this process. A therapist may be able to help you find the source of your jealousy while working through the issue. 2-Praise those who are doing well. Hating on someone’s accomplishments won’t put you closer to your own goals. When you see others doing the things you want to do, give them kudos. This shows respect and humility.[6] For instance, if your friend has an awesome career, say, “Molly, your job seems so cool. It seems like you’re always getting awards and promotions, too. You’re really killing it! Got any tips?” Perhaps your boyfriend has been doing a great job lately of being more affectionate; tell him you appreciate his effort. 3-Reflect on your own strengths. Instead of harping on what others are doing, focus on yourself! Take a moment to either list or think about at least three things that you are good at. These can range from organizing or cooking to being a good listener or hard worker.[7] Do one thing related to your strengths list today to build your confidence, like cook an awesome meal. 4-Compile a list of what you’re grateful for. Every day that you wake up is truly a blessing. Remember that and think about one thing that you’re thankful for each day. This will help reduce your feelings of jealousy because you’ll become more appreciative of what you do have.[8] Maybe you have an awesome mom who supports and loves you. Or perhaps you got into a really good school and you’re starting soon. Be thankful for these blessings! 5-Meditate daily. Meditation can clear your mind and help you focus on what’s important. Your thoughts of jealousy might cloud your headspace daily, but get some relief by sitting quietly in an uninterrupted space in the mornings for at least ten minutes. During this time, focus only on your breathing and how your body feels. If you’re unfamiliar with meditation, you can also download an app like Simple Habit or Calm. 6- Call the shots. You might have a rich friend who’s always asking you to go to expensive restaurants or on extravagant trips. This might make you feel jealous of their money. Instead of letting that control you, take the reins! Pick the restaurants you go to and choose not to go on vacations if you can’t afford it. Plan something locally, instead.[9] You can say, “Hey Josh, I enjoy eating at five-star restaurants with you, but to be honest, it’s a little out of my price range. If you still wanna get dinner once a week, that’s cool, but you’ll have to let me pick the place most of the time. I hope you understand.” 7-Have fun daily to distract you from your jealousy. You won’t be able to think about your jealousy as much if you’re out having fun! Schedule something to look forward to every day, like watching your favorite show, getting ice cream, or going shopping. Life is short, so make the most of it every day! METHOD THREE OF THREE IMPROVING YOUR OWN LIFE 1-Set short- and long-term goals. Use your jealousy to motivate you to become the best version of yourself. Based on the things you want in life, create action steps to help you achieve it. Set goals that you can achieve within the next five days and things to focus on for the next five years.[10] For instance, maybe you want to get a high paying job. As a short-term goal, try to get A's in all your classes for the semester. A long-term goal could be finding a mentor or getting an internship in your field. 2-Plan a fun getaway. Maybe you’re jealous because it seems like everyone else is having all the fun. Create some fun for you! Plan a fun weekend away for you and your bae, go to a theme park, or go hang out on the beach. Do whatever makes you happy![11] 3-Take care of your health. You’ll be a lot less worried about others if you’re focused on your own health. Build your confidence up by exercising at least three times a week. Eat a healthy meal by having veggies, fruits and lean meat. Be sure to get at least eight hours ofv sleep per night.[12] Drink a lot of water, too! 4-Surround yourself with positive people. Maybe your jealousy comes from hanging around friends who try to make you jealous on purpose. That’s definitely not cool. Instead of being around that negativity, spend more time with your kind-hearted, honest, and down-to-earth friends! A positive person will be supportive, honest, kind and helpful. A negative person will insult, criticize, and drain you. 5-Consider seeing a counselor to work through your jealousy. If your jealousy is making it hard for you to enjoy life anymore, it might be time to seek outside help. There are many therapists who are trained to help their clients work through feelings of envy or inadequacy. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with getting help! It’s much worse to suffer in silence.[13] Search online for therapists or counselors in your area. You can also get a referral from your doctor’s office or insurance provider.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Woman tells of harrowing life as lesbian Muslim in Pakistan

A woman has bravely revealed what it is like to be a Muslim lesbian after moving from Pakistan to the UK. Zayna, not her real name, who is 40, said she has been beaten, humiliated and threatened because of her sexuality. As reported by the Manchester Evening News, she refused to deny her true identity despite physical and mental abuse as people believed she had misinterpreted the messages of the Quran. She said that while studying for her PhD she was kicked out of university because fellow students feared she was ‘dangerous’. Also at an Islamic School when her colleagues found out about her sexuality she was told to leave or face police action. The graduate said she insists she is still a Muslim and both her sexuality and religion are both equally important to her. Zayna now lives in Longsight, Manchester, and spoke out in support of other LGBT Muslims. She said: “I was born a Muslim and I want to die a Muslim. But if someone wants to kill me then why? Just because I’m a lesbian? “I am a strong brave person but so many people like me don’t have that courage. I realised I need to come out and tell everyone about my story.” Zayna grew up in Karachi, Pakistan, and was the only child of conservative Muslim parents. She described herself as a tomboy and realised she was gay as a young teenager on her 13th birthday. She said it was “very hard” and she was told “you are not Muslim if you are a lesbian”. But Zayna believes the Quran’s messages about homosexuality have been misinterpreted by some Muslims.
The first abuse she received was when her father found out she had been spending time with another girl as a teenager, he assumed the pair had been with men and beat her. She said: "My father came upstairs and wanted to kill me and beat me like anything. "He told me how to behave. That was the first time I felt unsafe in my own home. “I still have that horrible pain in my lower back and can’t walk properly.” Zayna’s father died when she was in her early 20s and she spent years nursing her mother, who eventually died of lung cancer. During her time as a teacher at an Islamic school, Zayna started a relationship with another teacher but the two were discovered by colleagues. They were told to leave or else they would be reported to the police as prostitutes. At the time she was also a PhD chemistry student and when people at the university found out she was told to leave. Homosexuality is frowned upon in Pakistan and the country’s law prescribes criminal penalties for same-sex sexual acts including a fine or imprisonment. Zayna started a management masters degree in the UK and began to embrace the UK's gay culture and joined LGBT International and a Birmingham-based LGBT group, Finding A Voice. She has since had several relationship with women and has "peace of mind" that she is no longer in danger.

I Must Have Lost My Mind To Have Thought of Leaving Tiwa Savage – Teebillz

Tiwa Savage’s husband, Tunji Balogun also known as Teebillz has confessed that he must have gone crazy to have ever thought of leaving his wife, Tiwa Savage following the controversy that rocked their marriage last year. He took to his Snapchat to confess and said: ‘this babe is so f**king sexy. I must have lost my mind to wanna leave all these goodies’. He had earlier in an interview with Linda Ikeji TV revealed that before the supposed suicide attempt, he realized that something was wrong with him as he couldn’t help himself. Going down memory lane, he blamed most of the actions on his upbringing. He said,“I was that guy that growing up, I couldn’t eat three square meals per day. It’s lack of fulfilment because I pushed myself too hard. It got to a point I didn’t want to be around people. I just wanted to be on my own. I was so messed up in my head. I was trying to use things to get away from my head. At some point in my life, I depended on alcohol to get through.” “Nothing was interesting to me at one point.” On when he started having suicidal thoughts, TeeBiiz said, “It was actually three to four months before my incident. Everyone around me, that is the closest people to me, they knew it. I even had a conversation with them that ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel like killing myself.’ They didn’t know what to do, they weren’t informed or educated.” According to Tee Billz, one good thing that happened to him after the ugly incident was that he had discovered his own value and purpose in life. “I just want to be me and enjoy life. I am my own best friend now

Boko Haram attacks another Yobe village

One week after Boko Haram attacked Sasawa Village in Yobe State killing at least 11 soldiers at a military base, the insurgents attacked another village in the North-eastern state. The latest attack was however repelled by soldiers, a spokesperson said. PREMIUM TIMES reported the Sasawa attack last Tuesday night with the insurgents carting away a large cache of arms including two gun trucks, communication radios and small arms, according to military sources. However, an army spokesperson said on Sunday that the attack on Goniri Village on Saturday was successfully repelled. Kayode Ogunsanya, the spokesman of 3 Division with tactical headquarters in Damaturu, confirmed the Goniri attack to the News Agency of Nigeria in Damaturu. Mr. Ogunsanya, however, could not immediately give details of the operation. A villager, who spoke on condition of anonymity told NAN that “the insurgents came in from the western flank of the village but were repelled by the soldiers. “The soldiers had been on red alert since the attack on Sasawa village last Tuesday, making them battle ready. “It did not take long when we heard the soldiers chanting victory songs, indicating that they were successful over the insurgents,” he said. Yobe had witnessed a relatively long period of peace before last week’s attack on Sasawa. The state, like Borno and Adamawa, has faced several Boko Haram attacks causing the deaths of thousands of people and displacing several others.

‘Goodluck Jonathan doled out N100bn and $295million cash in two weeks’ – VP Osinbajo

Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo has said that the massive looting of the nation’s resources by the immediate past administration of President Goodluck Jonathan is responsible for the economic crunch the country suffers from under the present administration. Speaking yesterday in Lagos at a ‘Greater Nigeria Pastors Conference’ organised by Rev. Yomi Kasali’s-led Berean Ministers Group, Osinbajo said the Nigerian system is deeply infested with corruption, adding that graft should be pointedly tackled at all levels of institution. According to him, the Muhammadu Buhari-led administration decided to borrow to fund the budget because the nation’s earning had dropped and millions of Naira are still unaccounted for in the last administration. He said: “The theft of resources in this country is the first and primary reason for our poverty. That is why we have to address the issue of corruption pointedly, not once in a while because the system is corrupt; it is a corrupted system that we are running. This is not a system where corruption is just an exception, corruption is generally the rule in the Nigerian system. “It is easy to say how come we don’t have money or why are we borrowing money? If you as an individual have N1million and somebody stole N900,000 from it, you won’t ask the question how come I am poor? You will immediately tie the theft of your money to your poverty. “When we came in, we had a foreign reserve of $32 billion, but there was $15billion used for defence contract that was unaccounted for. Weeks before the 2015 elections, the government then, gave out N100billion in cash and $295million in cash ostensibly for security within two weeks. Those are the reasons why we don’t have money.” Osinbajo stated that despite earning the lowest from oil in the past 15 years, the Buhari administration had spent more on infrastructure and social service than any government in the history of the country. Speaking on the Abdulrasheed Maina’s saga, the VP said the ex-pension reform task force head was an ally of the PDP, adding that the president will decide on the matter soon. “Many of us know what happened to Maina. He was the person that was supposed to head a pension reform commission. He was accused of several different offences.

Senator Ndume: my suspension was to avenge

The Senator representing Borno South senatorial district, Mohammed Ali Ndume has claimed that Senate President, Bukola Saraki, betrayed him. Ndume was until January this year, the Senate Leader in the Upper Chamber. He was suspended for six months in March, over a point of order he raised on Saraki and Senator Dino Melaye (APC, Kogi West). In an interview with Punch, when asked if he was used and dumped by Saraki, he replied: “I don’t want to agree with the assertion that I was used and dumped. “God destined that I will be Senate Leader for one and half years. It is God that said my time was over; that was why I was removed although it was done through Saraki. The Senate President was instrumental to my removal but God actually sanctioned it; that was why it was possible for him to remove me. “I feel bad, I feel betrayed by Saraki and other people that we struggled together. But since they decided to stab me in the back, I leave them to God; He is the ultimate judge. I have since put the matter behind me and I am ready to move on. I thank God that I did not die on the seat. I have no regret. I would have been worried if I did anything wrong. I didn’t say anything that is not true, I didn’t fight anybody neither did I abuse anyone.”

Saturday 28 October 2017

Saudi Arabia becomes first country to grant a robot citizenship – and people are saying it already has more rights than women

A robot has been granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia and it appears to already have more rights than the country's women. The robot Sophia was created by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics and it appeared at a technology conference in Saudi's capital, Riyadh. It was able to appear on stage by itself without the permission of a male guardian and with its head and body uncovered. Many people took to Twitter to point out that Sophia technically had more rights than women. One woman tweeted: “Sophia, the first robot to be granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia, has more rights than the human women there. Strike anyone else as odd?” Another user wrote: “I’m wondering if robot Sophia can leave Saudi Arabia without her guardian consent ! Since she’s officially Saudi.” Under the Middle Eastern country’s male guardianship system, every woman must have a male guardian, a husband or relative, who has the authority to make a range of critical decisions on her behalf. Women are required to receive guardian approval to get married, apply for a passport, travel outside the country and study abroad on a government scholarship. Sophia appeared as part of the Future Investment Initiative summit to drive investment from Saudi into artificial intelligence. During the display the robot said: “I'm very honoured and proud for this unique distinction. ”This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognised with a citizenship.“ Last month Saudi Arabia said it would allow women to hold driving licences – the latest step in the Saudi crown prince’s long-term reforms. According to independent watchdog Freedom House, Saudi Arabia was ranked 10th worst country for civil liberties and political rights.

I didn’t take any vehicle from IGP — Aisha Buhari

Mrs. Buhari’s reaction came as Force headquarters in Abuja also dismissed allegations by the senator that the Inspector General of Police, IGP Ibrahim Idris, purchased two Prado SUVs for the personal use of the First Lady, Mrs. Aisha Buhari, based on her request and also described as falsehood, claims by Misau that the IGP doctored his retirement age. It argued that the vehicles, which were Toyota Sienna Bus and Toyota Hiace and not Prado SUVs as claimed by Senator Misau, were given to Police Escort personnel of the First Lady, based on the request of her Aide-de-Camp, ADC. But Senator Misau was unrelenting, yesterday, saying the IGP was the mastermind of leakage of the document that exposed Mrs. Buhari. However, reacting yesterday in a statement signed by her Director of Information, Suleiman Haruna, Mrs Buhari said she was still using the vehicles allocated to her during the campaigns in 2015. The statement read: “Our attention has been drawn to the news being widely circulated, and attributed to a member of the Senate that two SUVs from the Inspector General of Police were given to wife of the President, Mrs. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari, personally. “The wife of the President wants to make it clear that since the assumption of office of her husband as President of Nigeria, she did not receive these mentioned vehicles. “Furthermore, the vehicles she is still using belong to the family and were the ones used during the campaign for 2015 elections, including the one for her entourage.” Mrs. Buhari had earlier in her twitter handle denied receiving such vehicles, saying “I am still using my personal cars.’’ Force Headquarters in a statement signed by Force Public Relations Officer, CSP Jimoh Moshood, described Senator Misau’s allegation as baseless and misguided. It read: “The attention of the Nigeria Police Force has been drawn to publications in some newspapers of October 26, 2017, captioned “Misau Accuses IGP of Buying 2 Jeeps (SUVs) for Buhari’s Wife” and “IGP Idris Manipulated His Retirement Age, Says Misau” credited to Senator Isa Hamma Misau. “The two reports were studied and found out to be an outright falsehood, misleading, unfounded, a deliberate attempt to misinform the public and drag the name of wife of the President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mrs Aisha Buhari and that of the Inspector General of Police, IGP Ibrahim K. Idris into a controversy. “It is pertinent to state that at no time did the wife of the President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mrs Aisha Buhari requested directly or indirectly for vehicles for her use from the Inspector General of Police and no vehicle whether Jeep or SUV has ever been given for her personal use. “To set the record straight and disabuse the minds of the public, especially those who must have read the story, the Inspector General of Police is empowered by the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended and the Police Act and Regulations, precisely Section 215 (1) (a & b) and (2). “The Nigeria Police Force shall be under the command of the Inspector General Police and the Deployment and Control of the entire Operations of the Force, including allocation of Police vehicles for operational use throughout the country, shall be under the purview of the IGP. “It is within the powers of the Inspector General of Police as stated above that when on the 17th January, 2017, SP Sani M Baba-Inna, the ADC to ‘wife of the President requested for two vehicles for police personnel in the convoy of wife of the President for convoy movement and security purposes, a Toyota Sienna Bus with Reg. No. NPF 2406D and a Toyota Hiace Bus with Reg. No. NPF 3363D, were approved by the Inspector General of Police to the ADC and not to the person of wife of the President or for her personal use as alleged by Misau. “The Nigeria Police Force categorically wishes to state that all the allegations made by Misau against the Inspector General of Police and wife of the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria of buying two Jeeps for her as reported in some media are baseless, untrue and done in bad faith to misinform and mislead the public. “Members of the public are, hereby, strongly enjoined to discountenance and disregard the report in its entirety. “On IGP’s retirement age, Misau’s allegations were with ill-motive. For avoidance of doubt, the Nigeria Police Force Headquarters, Force Secretary Office wrote the chairman, Police Service Commission on the 18th of January, 2017, drawing the attention of the commission to the observation on the current staff list of Senior Police Officers, whereby the date of birth of the Inspector General of Police, IGP Ibrahim K. Idris, was incorrectly stated as 3/01/1959 instead of the actual date of 15/01/1959. “All documents and records of the Inspector General of Police, IGP Ibrahim K. Idris, has 15/01/1959 as his date of birth except the staff list of Senior Police Officers and this is the reason the approval of the chairman, Police Service Commission for correction of the error, was sought in this regard. “The difference of dates between 3/01/1959 and 15/01/1959 is just 12 days, which is very insignificant in 35 years that a public servant can be in service. “Furthermore, the public will note that Isa Hamman Misau deliberately refused to prove the allegations he previously levelled against the Inspector General of Police on the floor of the Senate for which he was invited by the Senate Adhoc Committee but instead brought up other falsehoods to distract the committee and members of the public. “The Nigeria Police Force is assuring the media of its support and continued cooperation in ensuring a crime free society and credible reportage. “The print media are implored not to allow the pages of their esteemed newspapers to be used to champion campaign of calumny capable of causing disaffections between the Force and the public or that can cast aspersions on the hard earned integrity of the leadership of the Force. “The Inspector General of Police, IGP Ibrahim K. Idris, will not be distracted or deterred by mischievous and misguided individual(s) from carrying out his statutory responsibilities for the benefit of the entire Police Personnel and all Nigerians that we serve.” IGP leaked documents against Aisha Buhari — Misau Meanwhile, Senator Isa Hamma Misau, Bauchi Central, said yesterday that the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, was the mastermind of the leaked documents which exposed the President’s wife, Mrs. Aisha Buhari, and not him. In a statement issued in Abuja, Senator Misau said his comment on approval of two jeeps (SUVs) by the IGP for the President’s wife was in reference to court documents filed in the charge against him by the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General of the Federation. “The said documents, which form part of the proof of evidence to the charge, are correspondences between the Inspector General of Police and the following: the President and C-in-C of the Federation; The Chief of Staff to the President; the Director, National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies; the ADC to the wife of the President; and the Chief Personal Security Officer to the President.” He, however, accused the IGP of blackmailing the President’s wife and other high ranking personalities by deliberately and unethically exposing their correspondences. Misau’s statement read: “It was, indeed, a shock to me, as I’m sure it is to other Nigerians to see such private and confidential documents with all the minutes of the President and other top government officials carelessly displayed in the public by the Inspector General of Police in manifest breach of official secrecy. “The motive for displaying these documents is no doubt suspicious, given that they have little or no bearing on the matter of inappropriate practices within the Police. “My submission before the Senate Ad hoc Committee was simply to call the attention of members as well as the general public to how the IGP is unethically dropping names through filing of secret documents so as to rope these top ranking innocent personalities into the case. “The IGP is the one who submitted the official documents mentioning the names of respected personalities, not me. I believe I need to make this clarification.” A copy of the document filed in court by the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General of the Federation, which was made available to journalists, showed that the request for a Sienna vehicle and a Toyota Hiace Bus for the First Lady was, indeed, addressed to Ibrahim Idris and signed by the ADC to the President’s wife, SP Sani Baba-Inna. The request, which was contained in letter dated January 17, 2017, was officially approved the following day by the IGP in a handwritten minute.

Restructuring Nigeria impossible, Says Gowon

Ex-Head of state, General Yakubu Gowon has said that restructuring Nigeria is impossible. General Gowon said Nigeria’s restructuring is impossible because the country is made up of over 5000 ethnic groups with ethnic dialects and languages which would not allow each group to yield to another in terms of concession of certain benefits. The Former Head of State gave the statement while speaking at Minna, Niger State. According to him, there would be various definitions of what restructuring is by the various ethnic groups and that this would make it impossible for the groups to come to general conclusion as to what it really should be. General Gowon who urged for a united Nigeria however doubted the buoyancy in finance by state governments to fend for themselves if the country is to be restructured to regional bases as being pushed by some. According to him, “Nigeria is made up of over 500 ethnic groups, languages and dialects and so many various groups called nationalities and they want restructuring. “This restructuring everybody is asking for, we will have about 500 different ideas of restructuring. There is call for restructuring to reduce the number of states to only a few either back to the old region or to the zones.” “Those are some of the ideas that I do not know whether it will be possible for any state today to wish to be merged with another state. Let us see whether our politicians will see guidelines to be able to achieve what they want. “But I have my problem whether the states will be financially capable so they will be able to run there states properly.”

Friday 27 October 2017

Presidential election rerun postponed in western Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya - Kenya's electoral commission has postponed for the second time in two days the presidential election rerun in some parts of the country's western region over security concerns. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) on Friday said it would announce the new date of special elections at a later date. The commission has deliberated on the various incidents happening in some parts of the country and has postponed the election scheduled to take place tomorrow to a further date to be announced," Wafula Chebukati, IEBC chairman, said late on Friday. The announcement was made as sporadic violence continued, with at least one protester reported killed in the western county of Bungoma, as demonstrators opposed to the now postponed Saturday vote took to the streets. On the day of the election rerun on Thursday, at least three people were killed in western Kenya after clashes between security forces and anti-government demonstrators. The rerun vote was first postponed on Thursday in the counties of Kisumu, Siaya, Migori and Homa Bay due to "security challenges", the electoral body said. "We have faced and continue to face challenges which are largely security related in certain electoral areas," Chebukati said on Thursday. "The commission has postponed elections in those areas to Saturday the 28th of October this week." Early on Friday, the opposition National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition warned the IEBC against holding the rescheduled rerun poll on Saturday. NASA called on their supporters in the four counties to stay away from polling stations. "We are asking the IEBC to call off the forced polls. The motive is clearly wicked and evil. And the entire process a sham." Musalia Mudavadi, a senior member of NASA coalition, said on Friday, just hours before the IEBC called off Saturday’s poll. "We call on the residents of these counties to stay away from the planned polls." Kenya is holding the presidential election rerun after the country’s Supreme Court annulled the August 8 poll due to "illegalities and irregularities" in the election process. The court petition was brought by the opposition. Opposition leader Raila Odinga withdrew from the polls claiming that the vote would not be free and fair. He said opposition demands for the electoral body to be reformed had not been met. Odinga, a former prime minister and the son of the country's first vice president, came second in the annulled poll garnering almost 45 percent of the votes cast. President Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of Kenya’s founding father, won 54 percent. Kenyatta is seeking a second and final five-year term in office. More than 19 million voters have registered to take part in the polls in August, but turnout was down during the rerun.

Catalonia latest: Spanish PM sacks Catalan government for declaring independence

Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has announced he is sacking the Catalan government after it declared independence following a vote in the region’s parliament on Friday. The assembly has been dissolved and new elections will be held on 21 December, he said. Central government ministries will take over the administration of the region in a step Mr Rajoy said was needed to “recover normality”. Catalonia's police chief has also been sacked and its foreign affairs department closed, with delegates in Brussels and Madrid dismissed. It will be the first time in four decades of democratic rule in Spain that the national government in Madrid will directly run the affairs of one of the country’s 17 semi-autonomous regions. The announcement follows a day of drama in which the Catalan parliament passed a motion to declare independence and – less than an hour later – Spain’s senate granted Mr Rajoy the power to impose direct rule. Catalan President Carles Puigdemont, who had led the secession effort, is no longer in office and Spain’s top prosecutor is now deciding whether to charge him with rebellion. Both he and Mr Rajoy had earlier called for calm, with the Catalan leader urging “pacificism and dignity”. The Catalan National Assembly urged regional civil servants not to cooperate with their new bosses in Madrid. His independence effort has found little support outside the country, with Italy, the UK and the US State Department saying they backed a united Spain. Donald Tusk, head of the European Council, said that nothing would change for the EU and that it would only deal with the Madrid government, while France's Emmanuel Macron made similar comments. Mr Rajoy called for “clean, free and legal” elections after a meeting with his cabinet on Friday afternoon. In a square outside the government palace in Barcelona, an announcer told the crowd about the moves by Mr Rajoy. The news was greeted with loud jeers and whistles. But the thousands who came to celebrate Catalonia’s independence declaration did not let the Spanish response disrupt the festive mood. A band took to the stage immediately after the announcement and the crowd once more began singing and dancing to the music. The crowd in Sant Jaume Square shouted “we are not moving”.

My credentials still with military, Buhari tells INEC

Over 70 out of the 91 political parties are presenting presidential candidates that will participate in the 2019 Presidential elections...