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Saturday 2 September 2017

More than 1,000 kwara women raped in one year .

The Founder, Saab Foundation, Sa ’ adat Bibire , has said that no fewer than 1 , 000 women were raped in Kwara State in 2016.
She quoted the state Ministry of Women Affairs as having uncovered and confirmed the 1 ,000 rape cases, adding that the crime had become too high in the state .
She lamented the harmful effects of rape, child abuse, molestation, female genital mutilation and domestic violence.
Bibire spoke during the foundation’ s campaign against rape and other gender -based violence in Ilorin , the Kwara State capital. The campaign was tagged, ‘ Walkathon against rape .’
Members and supporters of the foundation marched around Ilorin with placards to raise awareness on crimes against women like rape and domestic violence .
She said, “ Rape could be spiritual or psychological. Rapists are either animals or devils . Rape victims should speak up. They should stop blaming or hating themselves throughout their lives and they should not end up committing suicide. It is not their fault .
“ We are creating awareness for gender- based violence . We are working to make people know that these things are real. People are not just cooking up stories on the internet . These things happen . We are having this ‘ walkathon’ to make them know that if it happens to them, God forbid , we will take the case up for them. ”
She called on the Federal Government , the national and state assemblies to ensure that laws against rape and other gender violence were amended to enhance conviction and punishment of perpetrators .
She appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari’s wife , Aisha; wife of Vice -President Yemi Osinbajo , Dolapo, and the wives of the 36 governors ; as well other prominent leaders and individuals to step up campaigns and efforts against rape and other domestic violence.
Bibire said , “ I am calling on the National Assembly and the 36 houses of assembly to make laws against rape and other domestic violence stricter and more enforceable. They need to do something . They are representing us and they need to stand for us. It could be their sisters , friends and mothers .
“ There is a lot government can do . They can start by reviewing the laws . There are laws against rape but they are rigid. They are actually favouring the rapists, because you have a law saying that there has to be a witness during the penetration. How is that possible?
“ A rapist is smart enough to make sure that nobody will be there when he is going to do the evil act. So , how can you have somebody that will witness the penetration? That is favouring the rapist . They need to amend the laws to favour the unfortunate victims .”
Copyright PUNCH .

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