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Friday 3 August 2018

Is Katsina State @30 worth celebrating?

By lawal Abdullahi Funtua

The military Administration of President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida created two states of Katsina and Akwaibom states respectively in 1987. While Akwaibom is situated in the South South region of Nigeria, Katsina State lies at the  extreme end of North Western Nigeria and shares borders with Niger Republic.

    What are the Achievements?

1. The majority of Katsinawa are Farmers and farming is one of the major employer of Labour in the state considering the fact that most of the rural dwellers are actively engaged in farming activities throughout the centuries.

 Katsina state has the potential of becoming the food basket of the nation if better agricultural policies are introduce and implemented, due to large arable land and human resources endowment which are mostly untapped in the State.

But despite all efforts made by the previous administrations to make farming attractive to the average farmer in the state, the successive governments had failed squarely in providing the necessary mechanism and technical knowledge to the farmers who relied upon the archaic systems inherited from the fast. The problems persists uptil today. I'm yet to see achievements in terms of adoption and applications of mechanise farming and modern marketing of farm products.

The previous Administration of Shema has succeed in establishing the organic fertiliser in Katsina state.

2. Education: Success or otherwise of education is not about the number of graduates you produce yearly but how qualitative the educational system is. The past governments had tried in renovating the faces of our schools both secondary and primary, but the questions are;
☆Did we invest in improving the intellectual capabilities of the teachers?

The Administration of His excellency Aminu Bello Masari is succeeding in reinvigorating the educational system by employing more qualified teachers into the classroom.

3. Economy: The economy of the state is now improving with the majority of our people embracing the farming. Like I said earlier that farming provides most of the jobs because almost all the industries had collapsed and files for bankruptcy, so there are no jobs in the factories.

Katsina state is far behind her counterparts of Akwaibom in terms of infrastructure and the economy, but the good news is that there's light at the end of the tunnel if we can judiciously channel our resources to critical infrastructure with the views to creating a conducive environment for investment.


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