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Saturday 30 September 2017

A Hashtag Can't Be Sued: Judge Dismisses Officer's Case Against Black Lives Matter

A hashtag can be a powerful force in corralling social movements of the digital age, #blacklivesmatter being a case in point. But a neither a hashtag nor a social movement can be sued, a federal judge in Louisiana ruled Thursday after a Baton Rouge police officer — whose name has not been made public — filed a lawsuit against Black Lives Matter and prominent activist DeRay Mckesson.
In the suit, the officer said he was seriously injured during a protest last year that "turned into a riot," when a piece of concrete or "rock-like substance" thrown by an unidentified demonstrator hit him.
The plaintiff argued Black Lives Matter could be sued, U.S. District Judge Brian A. Jackson writes, because it is a "national unincorporated association" with Mckesson "its leader and founder," who was "in charge of the protests."
But in throwing out the suit, Jackson writes,"'Black Lives Matter,' as a social movement, cannot be sued, however, in a similar way that a person cannot plausibly sue other social movements such as the Civil Rights movement, the LGBT rights movement, or the Tea Party movement."
Activists launched #blacklivesmatter online some four years ago, following the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. But the hashtag quickly spilled into the streets, morphing into a movement against police brutality, racism and injustice.
"It's organized. They have meetings. They solicit money. They have national chapters," the police officer's attorney Donna Grodner said of Black Lives Matter in June, reports The Associated Press. "This shows a level of national organization."
But in his decision, Jackson notes that the plaintiff, identified as John Doe, "is attempting to sue a hashtag ... For reasons that should be obvious, a hashtag — which is an expression that categorizes or classifies a person's thought — is not a 'juridical person' and therefore lacks the capacity to be sued."
While a movement or a thought cannot be sued, Jackson notes that an entity associated with a movement can be sued, such as the NAACP, the Human Rights Campaign or Tea Party Patriots.
As for Mckesson, Jackson writes that he was exercising his constitutional right to association and protected speech in the protest and there is no evidence that he incited violence.
"It's clear that I did nothing wrong that day and that the police were the only violent people in the streets," Mckesson said after learning of the ruling, reports AP.
The demonstration at the center of the lawsuit took place July 9, 2016, in response to the shooting death four days earlier of Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old black man by a white Baton Rouge police officer.
Police were responding to reports of a man selling CDs and threatening somebody with a gun. Cellphone video showed officers wrestle Sterling to the ground outside a convenience store. An officer shouts, "He's got a gun!" before shots ring out. A .38 caliber revolver was found in Sterling's pocket after the shooting, according to the Justice Department. But whether Sterling was reaching for the gun has been disputed.
After Sterling's death, protesters took to the streets across the country. In Baton Rouge, more than 100 people were arrested at the July 9 rally, including Mckesson, who told The New York Times that peacefully assembled protesters were unfairly targeted. Police charged most of them with obstructing the road.
The protest was also the backdrop of a photograph that went viral, showing a lone woman, dress afloat, calmly confronting approaching officers.
After a near yearlong investigation, the Justice Department decided not to prosecute the officers, saying that there was not enough evidence to prove they violated Sterling's civil rights.
Sterling's children have filed a civil lawsuit against Baton Rouge seeking unspecified damages in his death.
After Thursday's ruling, Mckesson told AP, "The movement began as a call to end violence and that call remains the same today.

Female teacher , facing six years in jail after turning classroom into sex den for teenage boys

Danielle Matko performed sex acts on teenage boy and showed breasts to pupils
A teacher who turned her classroom into a sex den for pupils is facing six years behind bars.
Danielle Matko, 35, stripped and performed sex acts for teenage boys during during free periods and after classes.
She was caught after police were passed a photo of her naked breasts taken by one of the pupils.
The English teacher performed oral sex on one 15-year-old boy at East Palo Alto Aspire Phoenix Academy near San Jose, California.
She also showed touched the victim sexually and allowed him and a second 15-year-old boy to touch her bare breasts, the San Jose Mercury News reported.
She was convicted on one count of oral copulation with a minor and four counts of lewd acts on a minor at San Mateo Superior Court this week and jailed on Friday.
The crimes took place between 1 September and 14 November 2015.
Prosecutors were said to be considering charges relating to another pupil.
“Female teachers who commit offences such as this are fairly few and far between,” said deputy district attorney Karen Guidotti. “But we see it.”
She said Matko faced a jail term of about six years and will have to sign the sex offenders' register.
Matko denied the allegations but did not give evidence during her trial. She will be sentenced on December 1.
Matko was fired by the school following her arrest in December.
“East Palo Alto Phoenix Academy is committed to the safety and security of each of our students,” said a school spokesman. “When the allegations were first made in this case, we chose to terminate employment of Ms Matko. We also co-operated with law enforcement’s investigation of the allegations.”

Rohingya crisis: Crowdfunding campaign launched to hold Burma leaders accountable for ethic cleansing of Muslim minority

Nearly half a million Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh and the United Nations has accused the Burmese army of 'textbook ethnic cleansing'
Campaigners have launched a crowdfunding bid to hold Burma's leaders accountable under international law for the Rohingya Muslim crisis. 

Nearly half a million of the country's Rohingya minority have fled to Bangladesh after Rohingya insurgent attacks against police posts led to a massive retaliation by the Burmese military.
The United Nations has accused the army of "textbook ethnic cleansing" to push the Rohingya out of Burma, and rights groups allege the army has committed crimes against humanity.
Hussein Mohamed and Najma Maxamed have launched a crowdfunding campaign to get leading human rights lawyers to begin building the legal case to hold Burma's leaders to account at the International Criminal Court.
They started the campaign after becoming frustrated with the lack of action concerning the Rohingya Muslim crisis, and have already gathered over 400,000 signatures for a petition in support of their campaign, which will be delivered to Downing Street on Saturday.
If successful, lawyers will begin investigations in Bangladesh by talking to Rohingya refugees and gathering their first-hand accounts. 
They will then establish which people have allegedly perpetrated acts of violence while gathering evidence from existing UN reports.
The campaign has several legal objectives, including the production of written complains to show Burma is in violation of multiple international treaties.
It also aims to seek support in setting up an International Commission of Inquiry, which the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights has already called for.

The tragedy unfolding in Myanmar clearly requires a legal response," Saimo Chahal, joint head of public law and international teams at Bindmans LLP, told The Independent, using an alternative name for Burma.
"While there has been widespread political condemnation across the world, a concerted legal effort to bring the perpetrators to justice must be mounted now. Time is of the essence when gathering evidence of this kind and exploring the appropriate avenues for a challenge in international court."
She added: "This crowdfund will allow people to come together, take action and contribute to making that critical early work possible." 
Mr Mohamed, who helped launch the campaign, added: “We started this campaign because nothing is being done to hold the leaders of Myanmar to account. The world is horrified but that horror is not enough. This campaign is for people who want to have a real impact and begin the process of getting justice for those women, children and families that have been killed, traumatised and displaced."
Several international aid groups have urged the Burmese government to allow free access to Rakhine State, where much of the violence is taking place. The government has stopped international NGOs, as well as UN agencies, from working in the north of the state, citing insecurity.
The violence and refugee exodus is the biggest challenge the government of Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has faced since it came to power last year in a transition from nearly 50 years of military rule.
Burma considers the Rohingya illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, although they have lived in the country for generations.
Most Rohingya are stateless and have faced bouts of suppression for decades.
Ms Suu Kyi has faced scathing criticism and calls for her Nobel prize to be withdrawn.
Last week, she denounced rights violates and vowed abusers would be prosecuted. She also said any refugees verified as coming from Burma under a 1992 process agreed with Bangladesh would be allowed to return

Oxford University college where Aung San Suu Kyi studied removes portrait of her after Rohingya crisis

The Burmese politician studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at St Hugh's College 
A portrait of Aung San Suu Kyi has been removed from the Oxford college where she studied.
The state counsellor of Burma studied at St Hugh’s College between 1964 and 1967, earning a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
The Swan student newspaper reported the painting was taken down on Thursday and replaced with a painting by Yoshihiro Takada.
The newspaper quoted Benjamin Jones from the college as saying the portrait has been moved to a “secure location” while the Takada piece was displayed “for a period”.
Aung San Suu Kyi has recently been pressed to take urgent action to end the suffering of the Muslim Rohingya people in Burma.
More than 400,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh amid reports of atrocities in Rakhine at the hands of the Burmese military.
At a meeting in Naypyidaw with Ms Suu Kyi, a Nobel Prize winner, foreign minister Mark Field said the violence needs to stop and called for the Government to allow full humanitarian access for aid.
Ms Suu Kyi, whose position as state counsellor does not give her authority over the military, has faced international criticism for her failure to speak out against alleged human rights abuses, including mass killings, gang rapes and the burning of villages.
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has called on Ms Suu Kyi to “show the leadership she is capable of to try to heal that terrible situation”.

Catalans occupy polling stations ahead of referendum

Pro-secession supporters camp out at Barcelona schools to defy Madrid authorities before Sunday's independence vote.

Supporters of an independence referendum in Catalonia have begun occupying polling stations in a bid to ensure Sunday's vote goes ahead, stoking fears of violent confrontation with Spanish police.
Spain's central government in Madrid, which opposes the referendum, has sent thousands of police reinforcements to the Catalonian capital of Barcelona to stop people from voting.
A court on Wednesday ordered police to prevent the use of public buildings "for the preparation and organisation" of the referendum.
But as classes ended for the day, small groups of activists, including parents with their children, on Friday peacefully occupied several schools where voting is scheduled to take place.
We want to make sure the school is open for activities and at night when they might come to clear us out or empty it, there will be families sleeping or people in the street," Hector, 43, told Reuters news agency.
police has ordered officers to evacuate and close polling stations by 6am on Sunday, before voting starts at 9am.
Parents vowed to come out and protect their protesting children. 
"I am going to sleep here with my oldest son who is a student here," Gisela Losa, a mother of three, told AFP news agency at Reina Vionant primary school in Barcelona's Gracia neighbourhood.
Madrid has repeatedly warned those who help stage a referendum, which the courts have ruled unconstitutional, will face legal repercussions.
Spain's education ministry said in a statement on Friday that school directors in Catalonia "were not exempt from liability" if they cooperated.
"There is nothing that justifies violating so basic a right as the right to vote," said Omar Sanchis, a 29-year-old drama student, standing behind the railings of the Collaso i Gil school, which he and others had occupied.
The Catalan government says 2,315 polling stations are ready to go.  
Al Jazeera's John Hendren, reporting from Barcelona, said both sides have been preparing for confrontation over the looming vote.
"Clearly, many of the polling stations will be shut down [by Spanish authorities]," he said. "The government of Catalonia has said ... it will declare itself an independent republic if they get the votes."

Final rally 

On Friday evening, about 10,000 supporters of the referendum gathered off Barcelona's Placa d'Espanya, or Spain Square. 
Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont said regardless of how many people actually cast the ballots, if a majority say "yes", he will declare independence on Tuesday. 
"In these hugely intense and hugely emotional moments, we sense that what we once thought was only a dream is within reach," Puigdemont told a cheering crowd.
"On Sunday, we have a date with the future."
Catalonia's foreign affairs chief Raul Romeva told Al Jazeera on Friday the referendum "is impossible to stop" despite the central government in Madrid insisting that the vote is illegal and it will not happen.
Opinion polls show Catalonia's roughly 7.5 million residents are divided on independence.
A survey commissioned by the regional government in July showed 49.4 percent of Catalans were against independence while 41.1 percent were in favour.
More than 70 percent of Catalans want a legal referendum on independence to settle the issue.

Friday 29 September 2017

Australia should prepare for North Korea attack, former Pentagon official warns

Australia doesn't really get to choose whether or not North Korea threatens it
Australia needs to develop better defences in the event of a missile attack from North Korea, a former Pentagon nuclear weapons official has warned.
Brad Roberts, who served as the US deputy assistant secretary of defence for nuclear and missile defence policy, warned the DPRK could strike the country.
“Unfortunately, Australia doesn't really get to choose whether or not North Korea threatens it – it's the choice that the North Korean leader [Kim Jong-un] makes,” he told ABC.
His objective is to make us fearful so that our leaders will not stand up to his threats and coercion.”
Mr Roberts, a former Obama administration defence official, said there were few “very experience interceptors and radars” in Australia, adding the country should ensure warships are equipped with advanced defences.
The news comes as a British defence think tank warned tensions between the United States and North Korea are so high that war is a “real possibility” and that peaceful talks may no longer be viable.
United Services Institute (Rusi) said Britain must prepare for such a conflict, which would result in “hundreds of thousands” of casualties even if no nuclear weapons were used.
Researchers cited US President Donald Trump’s provoking of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as one of the key factors if a war were to break out.
Earlier this month, Mr Trump called Mr Kim “Rocket Man” in a speech delivered to the United Nations and the North Korean leader responded by calling the President a “mentally deranged US dotard”.
North Korea has made rapid progress in its missile and nuclear programmes this year, launching 15 missiles since February including two over Japan.
In September, Pyongyang claimed it had tested a powerful hydrogen bomb, a device considerably more powerful than an atomic bomb, hours after seismologists detected an earth tremor in North Korea.

Saudi man arrested for threatening to attack and 'burn' women drivers

A Saudi man was arrested for allegedly threatening to attack women drivers, the Interior Ministry said on Friday, following a royal decree that ends a ban on women driving in the kingdom.
Many Saudis welcomed Tuesday's announcement by King Salman lifting the ban by next year, but some expressed confusion or outrage after the reversal of a policy that has been backed for decades by prominent clerics.
The ministry said on Twitter that police in the kingdom's Eastern Province had arrested the suspect, who was not identified, and referred him to the public prosecutor.
"I swear to God, any woman whose car breaks down - I will burn her and her car," said a man wearing a traditional white robe who appeared in a short video distributed online earlier in the week.
Reuters could not independently verify the authenticity of the video.
Saudi media, including the Arabic-language Okaz newspaper, quoted the Eastern Province's police spokesman as saying the man in custody was in his 20s and that the arrest had been ordered by its governor.
Separately, Okaz reported late on Thursday that authorities directed the interior minister to prepare an anti-harassment law within 60 days.
The directions cited "the danger posed by harassment ...and its contradiction with the values of Islam".
Saudi authorities have in the past taken a broad view of sexual harassment, including attempts by men to get to know unrelated women by asking to exchange phone numbers or commenting on their beauty.
In a country where gender segregation has been strictly enforced for decades in keeping with the austere Wahhabi form of Sunni Islam, the end of the driving ban means women will have more contact with unrelated men, such as fellow drivers and traffic police.
The ban is a conservative tradition that limits women's mobility and has been seen by rights activists as an emblem of their suppression. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that still bans women from driving.

Biafra: We support Buhari’s use of military to checkmate IPOB – 36 states Speakers

Speakers of the 36 states have passed a motion supporting President Muhammadu Buhari’s use of security agencies to checkmate activities of Biafra agitators.
In a special session that took place at the Imo state House of Assembly, the Majority leader, Lugard Osuji, presented the motion which was sponsored by all the 36 Speakers of the state Houses of Assembly.
The House adopted the motion and passed a resolution which reads as follows:
“The President is urged to direct all security agencies to monitor the activities of the groups and ensure that perpetrators of violence and breach of peace are promptly and decisively dealt with in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
“The violent approach adopted by the members of the various ethnic, political and religious groups whose actions are threatening the unity and territorial integrity of Nigeria is hereby condemned.
“Any ethnic group or persons that have complaints or grievances should channel such complaints or grievances through their elected representatives at the Federal or state levels.
All ethnic, political and religious groups, herdsmen, farmers, aggrieved ethnic groups and agitators are urged to stop all hostilities and any act that is capable of triggering crisis.”
However, the Ondo State Speaker, Bamidele Oleyelogun, expressed a contrary view when he requested that the reasons for the various agitations should be looked into;
He said: “Why don’t we ask why those people agitating are doing so? We must know their reasons, especially now that we are talking about power devolution.”

How To Train Your Brain To Go Positive Instead Of Negative

By Loretta Breuning
Our brain is not designed to create happiness, as much as we wish it were so. Our brain evolved to promote survival. It saves the happy chemicals (dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin) for opportunities to meet a survival need, and only releases them in short spurts which are quickly metabolized. This motivates us to keep taking steps that stimulate our happy chemicals.
You can end up with a lot of unhappy chemicals in your quest to stimulate the happy ones, especially near the end of a stressful workday. There are a number of reasons why your brain goes negative. The bad feeling of cortisol has its own survival purpose. It alerts you to an obstacle on the path to meeting your needs so you can navigate your way to good feelings. But once you do that, your brain finds the next obstacle. You will feel bad a lot if you follow your survival brain wherever it leads. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to rewire this natural negativity.
Let’s start with an example I call the Dog Poop Paradox. Pet mess was everywhere when I was young because picking up after your pooch was not the norm. Then customs changed and the streets were gloriously cleaner. Did that make anyone happy? NO. People barely noticed. They do notice an oops, however, and they get plenty mad about it.

Our brain evolved to scan for problems and it is skilled at finding problems when it looks. For example, reporters predicted the downfall of civilized society when the bicycle was invented. They warned that people would flit from here to there instead of having long conversations, and that we’d retire early from exhaustion instead of conversing in the evening. We have inherited the brain that helped our ancestors notice threats in time to act. We are skilled at finding threats, even as we seek rewards.
Build Yourself A Positivity Circuit

Quit notice: Kaduna gets bench warrant to arrest northern youths

A bench warrant has been issued by the  Kaduna State Government from the court to arrest members of the Coalition of Northern Youths who  gave October 1, 2017 as deadline for Ndigbo in the North to quit or be forced out of the region.
This was despite the withdrawal of the quit notice by the group.
A coalition of northern groups, including the Arewa Youth Consultative Forum led Shettima Yerima, had in July  gaven all the Igbo resident in the 19 states of the North a three-month ultimatum to quit  or be forced out after the expiration of the October 1, 2017 deadline.
They also asked  all northerners resident in the South-East to get prepared and return to the North.
The Kaduna State Governor, Nasir el-Rufai had earlier ordered the arrest of the principal actors who signed the ‘Kaduna declaration.’
The declaration  was signed by Nastura Ashir Sharif (Arewa Citizens Action for Change); Ambassador ShettimaYerima (Arewa  Youth Consultative Forum); Aminu Adam (Arewa Youth  Development Foundation); Alfred Solomon (Arewa Students Forum); and Abdul-Azeez Suleiman (Northern Emancipation  Network) as well as JoshuaViashman (Northern Youth Vanguard).
However, on Thursday, the state government obtained a bench warrant from the court to arrest those that issued the quit notice ultimatum.
Addressing a press conference at the Sir Kashim Ibrahim Government House, Kaduna, the state capital, el-Rufai’s Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Mr. Samuel Aruwan, however, assured residents  including the Igbo, that they had nothing to fear.
He said the assurance was given by the Kaduna State Government which commended all residents and communities in the state for their contributions to peace and harmony.
The government, he added, informed residents that law enforcement and security agencies were taking necessary actions to prevent any threat to peace.
Aruwan said the state government was steadfast about enforcing the law and in keeping the peace, disclosing that the government had taken further actions in relation to those persons that were threatening the liberty of other citizens.
“The government has obtained a bench warrant for their arrest, after filing a formal criminal complaint,” he said.
Aruwan added, “The Kaduna State Government notes, with commendation, the efforts of the residents of our diverse state to uphold peace in their communities. The government and the security agencies are working to prevent any threat to this cherished harmony. Vigorous security patrols will continue as part of concrete actions to reassure residents and demonstrate that bad behaviour is unwelcome and will not be tolerated.
“When some elements barged into our state capital to deliver an illegal ultimatum to a section of our community, the government condemned it and ordered the arrest of those concerned. The Kaduna State Government followed up with a formal criminal complaint to the police, and has obtained a bench warrant against them. Therefore, anybody that sights them or is aware of their location should proudly discharge the civic duty of informing the police.
“The criminal complaint specifies the sections of the recently updated Penal Code Law of Kaduna State, 2017 that were violated by those that issued the illegal ultimatum. These include inciting disturbance:​​Section 78; disturbing public peace: ​​Section 77; injurious falsehood: ​​Section 373; unlawful assembly: ​​Section 66; and criminal conspiracy: ​​Section 59
“The formal criminal complaint and the bench warrant secured on the 8th August, 2017 provide a basis to investigate, apprehend and ultimately prosecute the suspects.”

Britain, France and IPOB: Duplicity of failed empires

The agitation of the Indigenous People of Biafra took a dramatic turn in the week ended Saturday, September 23, 2017, during which the group was proscribed and its erstwhile boastful leader, Nnamdi Kanu, took to his heels when confronted with fired up soldiers. Also, during the week, there was an international angle to the secessionist agitation as the Federal Government decided to name two countries – Britain and France – as collaborators in IPOB’s agitation.
The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, told the nation on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 how Britain and France had been tacitly complicit with IPOB in its destabilisation of Nigeria.  Britain, stated the minister, continued to tolerate Radio Biafra’s hate and incendiary broadcasts from London while France was said to be the financial clearing house of IPOB from where funds flowed to the group. The minister had asserted: “Let me tell you, the financial headquarters  (of IPOB)  is in France, we know”  and also posed a rhetorical question : “Who does not know that IPOB internal radio is located in London?”  Mohammed explained how Britain had been frustrating Nigeria’s diplomatic efforts with the British authorities to shut down the pirate radio station only to be given the nebulous excuse of freedom of speech. He had wondered: “If we have a person in Nigeria openly soliciting arms to come and fight in the UK, what would you think of it?  Would you consider that freedom of expression?“ The minister implied that the two countries had been engaged in semantics or what I would call diplomatic jousting. Mohammed spoke of “knotty diplomatic issues which you need to skip” only to add in a double talk “I don’t want any diplomatic row”. Of course, the minister knew the charges against the two countries would spark diplomatic skirmishes, perhaps, low level, for now.
Well, these are trying times in Nigeria and nationalist fervour demands that the country must be ready to ruffle some diplomatic nests in defence of the sanctity of her territorial integrity and  sovereignty. There is reciprocity in diplomatic relations. We need to remember that Britain and France have played ignoble roles in the international arena in recent times under the self-serving subterfuge called “International community”. Britain followed the United States to declare war on Iraq on the lie that Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, had “weapons of mass destruction” which must be neutralised. They ended up destroying that country and got its president hanged, as a rub in. Yet, Tony Blair, the then British Prime Minister, who stridently orchestrated Gulf War 11 could still face the world and declare that he had no apology for the destruction of Iraq, a country that has not known peace since. Such brazenness! Such denial of criminal culpability by a British Prime Minister who had made a pastime of pillorying President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe whose main offence was winning re-elections in his country. Apparently, Blair, with imperialist hangover, wanted a regime change in Zimbabwe but met more than his match in President Mugabe, who once derisively called him Tony b-Liar. You see, the old Zimbabwean warhorse was right, Tony Blair lied on Iraq. So, if Britain condoned the Iraqi war, why is the Nigerian government peeved by the British High Commission’s statement condoning Radio Biafra’s hate and inciting broadcasts on the puerile doctrine of freedom of expression? The same Britain that shut down the internet when youths went on the rampage in London on the excuse that they were using it to network and mobilise Prime Minister, chubby boy, David Cameron, in an expansive mood, once described Nigeria as a “fantastically corrupt” country, another brazenness from a country that is fantastically a receiver of stolen funds, being the financial capital of the world, both legitimate and illicit. Well, it was good riddance, as the political gambler fantastically lost the Brexit vote that saw to his exit from 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister’s official residence.
As for France, it supported Biafra 1 and facilitated Emeka Ojukwu’s exile in Ivory Coast, her satellite nation; so, it should be no surprise that it is the financial clearing house for IPOB, the leading agent for Biafra 11. France was indicted in the Rwanda Genocide of 1994, in which an estimated 800,000 Tutsis lost their lives, for being complicit with the then Hutu-led government. France also led the Western onslaught on Libya that saw the killing of Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi. In 2011, France, brazenly thwarted the will of the Ivorian people, when under the cover of “International community” mandate, it provided military support for a candidate, Alassane Quattara, in Cote D’Ivoire’s disputed presidential election to capture a sitting African President, Laurent Gbagbo! Gbagbo had won the majority in the main election and was pronounced winner of the re-run by the country’s Constitutional Court only for the UN Representative in Cote D’Ivoire to assume the role of electoral commission to declare Quattara as the winner! Sadly, Nigeria’s naïve President Goodluck Jonathan, as ECOWAS leader, had endorsed the UN envoy’s verdict, and consequent UN mandate, which accorded French military incursion a dubious legitimacy. Cote D’Ivoire is France’s milking cow, a situation President Gbagbo had ended, so the empire struck back. With Quattara, who is married to a French woman, in charge, France has returned to gravy train in Cote D’Ivoire while President Gbagbo languishes in detention at The Hague facing criminal charges at the International Court of Justice. The West sent Gbagbo to jail for a domestic election dispute, but Tony Blair still struts around, a free man. Talk of the hypocrisy of the “International community”!
Nigeria’s political leadership should be under no illusion about affectionate love from Britain or France, and, by extension, western countries. Britain and France are yesterday’s countries, over whose empires the sun has set, now playing a fickle third fiddle in international power relations and  struggling for residual relevance in Africa. Nigeria, on the other hand, is a country of the future with great potential which some vested interests may not want manifested being a threat to their hegemonic hold. You see, no country in Europe has Nigeria’s landmass, natural resources or population. According to (2017), the combined population of Britain (66.2 million) and France (64.9 million) is 131.1 million compared to Nigeria’s 192.06 million while the combined landmass of Britain and France is 789,487 sq km as against Nigeria’s 910,770 sq km. Given these endowments plus high calibre human capital, the prospects of Nigeria as the great Black Hope are bright.  We can now begin to understand why many countries would have dubious designs on Nigeria and would not be averse to its disintegration.
Dr. Olawunmi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Bowen University, Iwo  and former Washington Correspondent of the News Agency of Nigeria, is a Fellow, Nigerian Guild of Editors. Email: Phone 0803 364 7571
Copyright PUNCH.    

Thursday 28 September 2017

Prostitute leak photos she snaps with married man

According to Hmetro Zimbabwe, a woman believed to be a lady of the night is alleged to have leaked her photograph with a married lover in order to extort money from him.
Trisha Dzuro, who brags over snatching married men, is alleged to have asked a freelancer photographer at Zindoga Shopping Centre to capture her downing ‘wise waters’ with her married lover Taperesu Zhou recently.
Trisha is alleged to have later leaked the photograph to Zhou’s wife Tabeth by sending a love message and the photograph with the intention to extort her lover’s money, impeccable sources told H-Metro.
Contacted for comment, Zhou confirmed receiving calls from an anonymous female voice threatening to embarrass him if he failed to pay her money.
“To be honest I was cheating with Trisha for some time but I have since stopped after discovering something I cannot disclose,” said Zhou.
“I do not remember how and when the photographs were taken because I was drunk but I smelt a rat after an anonymous caller demanded US$300 threatening to embarrass me using the photographs.
“I informed a police officer and the lady who identified herself as Jackie failed to show up to where we had agreed to meet for payment.
“The lady was after extorting me,” said Zhou.
Trisha confirmed bedding Zhou saying Tabeth has no right to disturb her affair since she is not legally married to Zhou.
Zhou is my boyfriend and Tabeth must not disturb my peace because she is not legally married although they have children together,” said Trisha.
“I do not see myself having Zhou’s kids but as we speak we are in love zvekuti mukadzi wake haafanirwe kuramba kutindivewo naye murume uyu haamupedze ega.
“I am not a s*x worker as what she want people to believe, izvezvi ndiripaZindoga madeko ano, that photograph shows that I am in love with Zhou so let people including H-Metro shut up about it.
“I never planned to extort Zhou his money because he can give me any amount I want since we are in love.
“Tabeth’s young sisters are up against me but their actions will never stop my affair with Zhou asi mari haaunze yese kumba kwangu vanodyawo wani. “Zhou’s friend is the one who took the photographs in question and I want to believe that he is the one who leaked them not me,” said Trisha.
Tabeth told H-Metro that Trisha’s messages on her mobile over Zhou is disturbing her family peace daily.
“I want to suspect that Trisha used love potions on my husband and her messages are so provocative semunhu wemubhawa mhuri haichisina mufaro uye mari yose yavakuperera kwaari,” said Tabeth.
Reports were that Trisha organized with her friend in sending a message to Zhou using a South Africa mobile contact threatening to expose Zhou to extort him.

INEC announces date for Presidential, National Assembly elections

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has confirmed the dates for the Presidential and National Assembly elections, which will hold in 2019.
INEC chairman, Professor Yakubu Mahmood, made this announcement, while meetijng with members of the Commission and all Resident Electoral Commissioners (REC), at the INEC Headquarters’ Conference Hall, Abuja on Thursday.
According to him, the Presidential and National Assembly elections have been fixed for Saturday, 16th February, 2019.
The event was live-tweeted on INEC’s official Twitter handle.
“Above all the 2019 #NigeriaDecidesGeneral Elections is exactly 505 days away from today.
“The Gov. State Assembly and Federal Capital Territory(FCT) Area Council elections are fixed for Saturday 2nd March 2019.
In addition 108,752 unclaimed PVCs were collected. 132,431 requested for transfer while 261,429 requested for replacement of their PVCs.
“We wish to assure Nigerians that INEC will continue to explore ways by which we can improve on all d processes associated with d ongoing CVR
On this note, let me once again welcome all RECs to this meeting. Thank you and God bless,” some of the updates read.

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